God’s house of prayer is a global body doing a global mission.
My house will be called a house of prayer. MATTHEW 21:13
As Jesus is invalided the money-changing tables in the Temple, He quotes Isaiah 56:7, a verse from a passage about Sabbath-keeping and God’s global mission–“a house of prayer for all nations,” Ironically, the money changers had no good effect on who could worship God by their monetary controls and exploitation, while Jesus speaks of the global amplitude of the true worship of God. They had missed the entire point about worship is to be openly and respectfully given. God’s house is about prayer. Nothing else. Not profit, not advantage, just pure, spotless communion with Him.
The New Testament explanation of this is not what we might understand. We often apply Jesus’ indictment of the money changers at the Temple to our own church buildings. They too, are to be houses of prayer, of course. But Jesus never calls a church building “God’s house.” Neither do any of the New Testament writers. God’s house, after the gift of the Spirit, is the heart of the believer. He dwells in us individually and corporately. And as His house, we are the house of prayer.
Do you consider yourself-your own heart-a house of prayer? It is where God dwells, according to post- (Corinthians 3:16 and 6:19; 2 Corinth- ians 6:16; Ephesians 2:21-22). There is to be pure, undefiled communion there. It is global — a house of prayer for a nations. God’s house of prayer is a global body doing a global mission and ministry, lifting up the global needs to its Head.
John 2:17 – Jesus is consumed by His zeal for His Father’s house. Knowing that we are His Father house makes that verse profound indeed. Jesus will zealously pursue communion in you, even if it means o ing some tables. There are to be prayers and holy fellowship in that sacred place.