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January 6, 2019

January 6, 2019
Speaker: Rev. Steve Korch
Topic: “Spiritual Resolution”

Speaker Rev. Steve Korch
Worship Leader Danny Chen
Worship Team Glenn Sebastian Rina Harjono
Jennifer Idris Lavinia Harjono
Slide Operator Jennifer Lukanta
Sound System Yosef Mannaseh
Care Ministry Deddy Wahyudi Jeh Lin
Sukmawati Alim
Indonesian Svc. Rev. Timotius Tjing
Toddler Class Sri Gudel Yanni Prasetya
Worship Leader &
Sunday School Classes
Hari Rediawan Cezia Yohanes
Sharlene Sia Lanny Trisno
Gabriela Octaviani Linda Tan
Bernard Huang Sansan Melissa
Facility Team: Chris Rustam Stefanus Koesno
Refreshments: Fransisca & Hidayat Teo



1. Prelude
2. Call To Worship
3. Congregational Singing: “Before the Throne”
4. **Opening prayer
5. Congregational Singing: “Blessed Assurance”
6. **Intercessory Prayer
7. Scripture Reading: Phillippians 2:12 – 13
8. Congregational Singing: “All I Once Held Dear”
9. Sermon: “Spiritual Resolution”
10. Congregational Singing:“All I Once Held Dear”
11. Offering & Offering Prayer: Red bag is for Building Fund
12. Memory Verse: Philippians 2:12”
13. Announcement
14. Doxology: No.53 “Doxology
15. Benediction
16. Congregation Response: “Amen, Amen”
17. Postlude
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends.

“Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling”

                                                                                                                                        Philippians 2:12


Sunday        : Romans 3 – 4 Thursday  : Job 3 – 4
Monday       : Genesis 4 – 7 Friday      : Isaiah 7 – 11
Tuesday      : Joshua 6 – 10 Saturday  : Matthew 3 – 4
Wednesday : Psalm 3 – 5

Fellowship Schedule
Date Fellowship Topik Speaker Place
Jan. 9
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
Bible and Health Ev. Mariany Tjing
MC: Fei Fei Gono
Music: Rini S. Lie
191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112
Jan. 4
College Group

7:00 PM

7:00 PM

New Year, New Beginning

2018 Reflection and 2019 Resolution

Pemuda Leaders


Pemuda Leaders

191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112

1. We would like to welcome everyone who joins our service. May the Lord bless us all the days of our life! Everybody is invited to join our service every Sunday, as well as other fellowships and activities. After the service, please stay for some refreshments and fellowship in the kitchen area.
2. Happy New Year to all. Today you will get the new year verse based on church’s theme “Becoming A Witness for Christ” (Acts 1:8, 2:32, 3:15, 4:33). May the verse be your guidance and encouragement to be a witness for Christ.
3. Congratulations to those finished reading the whole Bible in 2018. Let read it again from the beginning this year by using the new reading plan as above weekly reading or your own plan.
4. There will be first Holy Communion for 2019 next week, Jan 13. Please prepare yourself to take part in the Communion. You may bring your tithe to the Lord too next week.
5. East Bay Fellowship is on Jan 12 at 5pm at residence of Jujun & Ian Phan. The South Bay Fellowship is on Jan 19 at 5pm at residence of Rini & Jimmy Lie. Members at respective area are invited to attend it.
6. Reservation for Camp Ground Richardson and Fallen Leaf are full for our combined SF & SJ Camping on July 4-6. Those who want to join this camping can reserve the Cabin,  VRBO (vacation rental by owner), or  Hotels around there. For more information please contact Glenn Sebastian at or (510) 219-1894.
7. The Facility Team invites all male and female, young or adult to join the team to serve together. Everyone only has to serve once a month. Let us work together to maintain the cleanliness of our church. Please contact Hidayat, Jeh, or pastor Tim.
8. The total number who heard the Gospel last December is 240 people (4 churches). So, the total in 2018 is 4,435 people, more than the target 4,000 people. Thank you for your support and mission heart. This year the target is 5000 people for five churches in West Coast (LA, SF, SJ, Sacto, and SD).
9. For those who want to offer pulpit flowers, refreshments for Wednesday and/or Sundays in 2019 as thanksgiving for family, health, work, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, promotions, etc. Please contact the respective Committees or fill out the form posted on the bulletin board. Thank you for your support in these areas.

1. Program: Mission month & Mission Conference (2-3 March), Good Friday (19 Apr), Easter Sunday.
2. Congregations: those who are sick, pregnant (Linna Phang), new quarter for students, our professionals.
3. Mission: missionaries Fina Linan (Burkina Faso), Dana & Karen Ostby (Indo), target for 5000 people hear the Gospel.
4. Nations: Indonesia, USA, Malaysia, and Taiwan.