A reason to give thanks

Thanksgiving is here. Giving thanks to the Lord is more than just paying lip service to Him. It is acknowledging that God is good, and that whatever He gives can only be good for us. As we grow in the knowledge of Christ and His love, our thanksgiving will increase,...

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Perspectives on Anger

By: Pdt. Wilson Suwanto Anger is hard to define, not because it is secretive or rare, but precisely because it is very common, and a daily occurrence. Turn on the TV and you will see violence, incidents, or conflicts driven by anger. Although we can’t always define anger accurately, we...

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What is Repentance ?

October 31, 1517 is the date when Martin Luther presented his 95 theses for the reformation of the church. The first of these theses says, “When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, “Repent” (Matthew 4:17), He willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance.” While all...

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Church 34th Anniversary

When we celebrate birthday, we pause for a while. We stop to look back to the things and events that have happened in the past and shaped our present life. We celebrate the special day while wondering what the future will look like. Some look to the future with excitement,...

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5 Ways You Can Help the Homeless!

What do you do when you see someone holding up a sign, “Will Work For Food”? Do you roll down your window and give them money? Do you pretend you didn’t see them? Nobody likes to be confronted by the homeless—their needs often seem too overwhelming—but we all want to...

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Losing Sensitivity to Sin

By: Junina and Rachel Atmadja   The seriousness of sin has become a rare concept in this present time. In a culture that has all but eliminated the word sin from its vocabulary; Christians are also losing sensitivity to sin. A Christian who is sensitive to sin recognizes sin for what it is: missing God’s standard...

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The Apostles Creed

We proclaim “The Apostles Creed” every Sunday, and perhaps, some of us wonder why we do that. Isn’t the Bible enough? Sure, the Bible is enough. The word of God is sufficient, and no tradition or opinion can stand on an equal ground with the Scripture. So, why is there...

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The Fear of the Lord

By: Pastor Wilson Suwanto Psalm 19:9 ~ “The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever” The force of nature like tsunami, typhoon, hurricane, earthquake, can be frightening, and we are all afraid of them. We pray and hope that they never strike us. Just imagine the destruction they cause,...

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Besar Imanmu

By: Rev. Wilson Suwanto “Besar Imanmu.” Itulah perkataan yang Yesus ucapkan kepada seorang perempuan non-Yahudi. Sebelumnya, Yesus mengucapkan perkataan yang seolah-olah “memojokkan” perempuan itu (untuk lengkapnya silahkan baca Matius 15:21-28). Tetapi dia tidak putus asa dan tetap memohon Yesus untuk menyembuhkan anak perempuannya. Sikap demikian membuat Yesus takjub dan memuji iman...

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