We are a community on mission to see others come to experience the redeeming love of Jesus Christ. At the heart of disciple-making is the reconciliatory message of the Gospel. Jesus came not only to die for sinners, but to live a life of sacrificial love to restore us into a beautiful relationship with God the Father and each other. We believe that the Great Commission is both local and global in context. Explore our Outreach Ministry's vision on impacting our community through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Join us as we seek to love our neighbors and extend His love by being the“hands and feet of Christ”.
Local Outreach
We believe in engaging with our local communities. We are being missional by being a faithful presence in our Azusa neighborhood and being loving neighbors. Stay connected to be informed of our outreach events!
Global Outreach
Christian Evangelical Mission, Los Angeles (Indonesian Evangelical Church of Azusa) is a part of a larger body of churches under the organization, EMSI. We contribute financially and prayerfully to their evangelistic initiatives across the globe. For further information, please see our EMSI headquarters for more information.