To appreciate God’s forgiveness, we need to understand the severity of sin. Sin is not only bad behavior; it is the expression of our fallen nature that loves evil and darkness. In Psalm 32, the words that describe this is iniquity, transgression, and sin. There is only one way for God to forgive our sins: […]

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The church is the body of Christ, the bride of Christ, and the temple of the living God. It is a people who have been called out of darkness into God’s light. Jesus Christ secured the church through His death. He washed it clean and makes it pure. As members of the body of Christ, […]

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The Holy Spirit comes from the Father and the Son. He came into the world to apply Christ’s work to individuals. His presence in the life of believers is the seal of the assurance of salvation. Believers are not left as orphans when Jesus Christ ascended into heaven. The Holy Spirit always brings us back […]

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Faith requires an object. The Bible makes it clear that God is the sole object of our faith. The confession begins with “I believe in God.” God is the foundation of everything. He is the Creator of everything, and Almighty Father of those who believe in Christ. We can know and believe the true God […]

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