The 5 Solas – Sola Gratia

Grace is unmerited favor. That is what Sola Gratia (By Grace Alone) means. Ephesians 2:8-9 affirms strongly that we are saved by grace through faith, not by our works, and not even by our cooperation with God’s grace. The Bible denies any human role in our personal salvation. It is purely the supernatural act of God’s grace. By nature, we are sinful and children of wrath. By default, we choose sin over God, idols over Jesus Christ. Yet, God is rich in mercy and grace. He freely and sovereignly decided to bestow that saving grace on us. God’s grace is unconditional. There is nothing good, attractive, or lovely about us. God’s grace does not only save us, it also preserves our faith to the end. Grace is total and always operational in the life of believers. There is not a day where God’s grace is not with us. Even when we are in our sanctification progress, God’s grace sanctifies us. It is sufficient for the total forgiveness of our sins. The death of Christ on the cross is the fountain from which God’s grace flows abundantly to us. Grace alone saves us through faith. It is not grace plus work, or grace plus prayer, or grace with something else. This is how God’s grace will always be amazing no matter how long we have been Christians. “How can a sinner such as I can be saved?” God’s grace is truly amazing, and its sound is always sweet.