Some time ago there was a Minneapolis incident which became a national issue due to contact with criminal justice and racial issues. This issue triggered large demonstrations in several states. We do not look at the issue pragmatically, but in relationship. We cannot ignore the theological context if we want...

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Cast all your cares to Jesus

Please indulge me a little, but there is a song by Five Iron Frenzy called “Every New Day” (warning: if you like traditional hymn music, you might be unhappy). I really enjoy this song, for one, it is ska-punk, second, the lyrics. When I was small, the furthest I could...

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Ciri Ciri orang Kristen yang bertumbuh

By. Pdt. Muk Fam Surat  Filipi adalah surat ditulis oleh Paulus didalam penjara kepada jemaat  di Filipi . Surat ini  bersifat sangat pribadi yang dimana kita bisa baca keakraban hubungan Paulus dengan orang percaya di jemaat Filipi. Dalam surat ini kita bisa lihat Paulus banyak mengutarakan kehidupan kerohanian dia dan...

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You Can Know the Christ of Christmas

By: Billy Graham Once again the world celebrates Christmas. People fervently pray that the Spirit of Christmas will pervade the entire world. In many parts of the world Christmas carolers will stand outside their neighbors’ doors and sing “Silent Night! Holy Night!” Everyone is busily preparing for the holiday season....

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Perspectives on Anger

By: Pdt. Wilson Suwanto Anger is hard to define, not because it is secretive or rare, but precisely because it is very common, and a daily occurrence. Turn on the TV and you will see violence, incidents, or conflicts driven by anger. Although we can’t always define anger accurately, we...

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Losing Sensitivity to Sin

By: Junina and Rachel Atmadja   The seriousness of sin has become a rare concept in this present time. In a culture that has all but eliminated the word sin from its vocabulary; Christians are also losing sensitivity to sin. A Christian who is sensitive to sin recognizes sin for what it is: missing God’s standard...

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Ayah yang Saleh

Yosua 24: 14-15 “Oleh sebab itu, takutlah akan TUHAN dan beribadahlah kepada-Nya dengan tulus ikhlas dan setia. Jauhkanlah allah yang kepadanya nenek moyangmu telah beribadah di seberang sungai Efrat dan di Mesir, dan beribadahlah kepada TUHAN. Tetapi jika kamu anggap tidak baik untuk beribadah kepada TUHAN, pilihlah pada hari ini...

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Make A Difference Through Prayer

By: Rev. Billy Lim Does prayer really make a difference? Does it matter whether we pray or not if God is omniscient and in control of all events in the world? Scripture consistently teaches us that prayer works – “The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much” (James...

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The Fear of the Lord

By: Pastor Wilson Suwanto Psalm 19:9 ~ “The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever” The force of nature like tsunami, typhoon, hurricane, earthquake, can be frightening, and we are all afraid of them. We pray and hope that they never strike us. Just imagine the destruction they cause,...

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