26 Januari 2025 | |
Pengkotbah: | Pdt. Stephen Hosea |
Topik: | “Sikap Hati Pelayanan” |
Pengkotbah | Pdt. Stephen Hosea | |
Pemimpin | Jennifer Chandra & Alvin Wijaya | |
Penyambut/Pemerhati | Jerry Sugiarto & Jemmy Hendrianto | |
Pemusik | Tim E.S. | |
Perjamuan Kudus | ||
Sound System | Fulbert Jong & Hansel Chong | |
English Service | Kebaktian Gabungan | |
Kelas Toddler | Sansan Melissa | |
Kelas PreK-K | Sharlene Sia | |
Kelas 1 – 3 Kelas Lower Elem. |
Vincent Yobeanto | |
Kelas 4 – 6 Kelas Upper Elem. |
Linda Tan | |
Kelas 7 – 8 Kelas Pra-Remaja |
Kiki Rustam | |
Kelas 9 – 12 Kelas Remaja |
Kebaktian Umum | |
Bunga Mimbar | Jujun Phan | |
Konsumsi | Jujun & Kok Jun Phan |
1. | Prelude | duduk | |
2. | Votum | duduk | |
3. | Nyanyian Bersama: | No. 66 “Besar Setia-Mu” “Great is Thy Faithfulness” | berdiri |
4. | <*> Doa Pembukaan | berdiri | |
5. | Bacaan Bersama: | 2 Timotius 1:3 – 4 & 1 Korintus 4:1 – 2 | duduk |
6. | Nyanyian Bersama: | “Thank You Lord” | duduk |
7. | Pengakuan Iman Rasuli | berdiri | |
8. | <*>Doa Syafaat & Doa Bapa Kami | berdiri | |
9. | Nyanyian Bersama: | “They That Sow in Tears” | duduk |
10. | Khotbah: | “Sikap Hati Pelayanan” | duduk |
11. | Pelantikan Majelis & Komisi 2025 | duduk | |
12. | Nyanyian Persembahan: | “Here I am, Lord” | duduk |
13. | Doa Persembahan | berdiri | |
14. | Ayat Hafalan: | Lukas 16:10 | duduk |
15. | Berita Gereja: | duduk | |
16. | Nyanyian Penutup: | No. 53 “Doxology” | berdiri |
17. | Doa Berkat | berdiri | |
18. | Nyanyian Bersama | No. 425 “Amin, Amin” | berdiri |
19. | Saat Teduh | duduk | |
”Barangsiapa setia dalam perkara-perkara kecil, ia setia juga dalam perkara-perkara besar. Dan barangsiapa tidak benar dalam perkara-perkara kecil, ia tidak benar juga dalam perkara-perkara besar.” Lukas 16:10 |
Minggu : Roma 9 – 10 | Kamis : Ayub 9 – 10 | |||
Senin : Kejadian 16 – 19 | Jumat : Yesaya 23 – 28 | |||
Selasa : Yosua 21 – 24 | Sabtu : Matius 11 – 13 | |||
Rabu : Mazmur 12 – 14 |
Tanggal | Persekutuan | Topik | Pembicara | Tempat |
Rabu 29 Jan. |
Doa Pk 7:00 malam |
Renungan | Pdt. Stephen Hosea MC: Andy Pansawira Musik: Rini Buntaran |
Gereja 191 E Gish Road San Jose, CA 95112 |
Jumat 31 Jan. |
Pemuda Pk 7:30 malam |
Movie / Game Night |
Core Team |
Gereja 191 E Gish Road San Jose, CA 95112 |
BERITA GEREJA | |||||||||||||||
1. |
Terima kasih sudah mengikuti kebaktian Minggu ini. Kalau ada yang pertama kali mengikutinya, Selamat Datang! Kami undang Minggu depan datang lagi dan juga mengikuti acara gereja lainnya. |
2. |
Minggu depan (2 Februari) akan ada Perjamuan Kudus. Harap jemaat mempersiapkan hati untuk mengikutinya. |
3. |
Selamat melayani kepada Majelis dan Komisi 2025. Kiranya Tuhan menyertai pelayanan dan program tahun ini. Susunan Majelis dan Komisi 2025 adalah sebagai berikut:
4. |
Trip Misi ke Indonesia tahun ini akan diadakan pada tanggal 20 – 25 Juli ke Kota Medan dan Pemantang Siantar. Keterangan lain trip misi bisa dilihat di papan pengumuman dekat perpustakaan dan dekat ruang ES. |
6. |
Bulan Misi 2025 akan dimulai tanggal 2 Februari dengan tema “Menuai dengan Sukacita” (Mazmur 126:5). Konferensi Misi akan diadakan pada tanggal 22 Februari di GII San Francisco pada jam 4:00 sore dan tanggal 23 Februari di San Jose (gabungan IS & ES). Pembicara utama Konferensi Misi adalah misionaris Pdt. Dana Ostby. Keterangan lengkap bisa dilihat di poster/flyer. |
7. |
Budget Misi tahun ini (Maret 2025 – Februari 2026) adalah sebagi berikut :
8. | Bagi jemaat yang mengganti alamat emailnya, harap memberitahu kepada Bendahara Majelis melalui email: sjc.treasurer@gii-usa.org secepatnya supaya receipt persembahan bisa dikirim ke alamat yang benar. | ||||||||||||||
9. |
Gereja turut berduka-cita atas berpulangnya ke rumah Bapa, Tjing Suan Hong (71 tahun), kakak dari Pdt. Timotius Tjing pada tanggal 21 Januari yang lalu di Jakarta. Kiranya Roh Penghibur menguatkan dan menghibur keluarga yang sedang bersedih. |
1. |
Ucapan syukur: keluarga, gereja, pekerjaan/studi dan pelayanan. |
2. |
Jemaat: yang sakit dan dalam pemulihan, yang hamil (Rina, Fransisca & Kimberly), yang mencari pekerjaan dan pertumbuhan iman jemaat. |
3. |
Misi: bulan & konferensi misi, Misionaris Fina L., Dana & Karen O., John C., hamba Tuhan dan badan misi yang kita dukung di Indonesia. |
4. |
Pemerintah: California, Indonesia dan Amerika (Presiden Trump & kabinetnya). |
January 26, 2025 | |
Speaker: | Rev. Stephen Hosea |
Topic: | “The Mindset of Service” |
Speaker | Rev. Stephen Hosea | |
Worship Leader | Jennifer Chandra | |
Musician | Grace Pohan & Abby Suwargo | |
Usher | Melissa Dyandra & Abby Suwargo | |
Holy Communion | ||
Slide Operator | Fulbert Jong | |
Sound System | Hansel Chong | |
Indonesian Svc. | Combined Service | |
Toddler | Sansan Melissa | |
PreK-K grader |
Sharlene Sia
1st to 3rd Grade Lower Elementary |
Vincent Yobeanto | |
4th to 6th Grade Upper Elementary |
Linda Tan | |
7th to 8th Grade Pre-Teen |
Kiki Rustam | |
9th – 12th Grade Teen |
Join the Sunday Service | |
Pulpit Flower | Jujun Phan | |
Refreshment | Jujun & Kok Jun Phan |
1. |
Prelude |
2. |
Call to Worship |
3. |
Congregational Singing: “Great is Thy Faithfulness“ |
4. |
**Opening Prayer |
5. |
Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 1:3 – 4 & 1 Corinthians 4:1 – 2 |
6. |
Congregational Singing: “Thank You Lord” |
7. |
Apostle Creed |
8. |
**Intercessory & the Lord’s Prayer (Sunday School children may go to their class) |
9. |
Congregational Singing: “They That Sow in Tears” |
10. |
Sermon: “The Mindset of Service” |
11. |
Inauguration of the 2025 Deacons and Committees |
12. |
Offering Song: “Here I am, Lord” |
13. |
Offering Prayer |
14. |
Memory Verse: Luke 16:10 |
15. |
Announcement |
16. |
Doxology |
17. |
Benediction |
18. |
Congregational Response: “Amen, Amen” |
19. |
Postlude |
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends. |
“He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.” Luke 16:10 |
Sunday : Romans 9 – 10 | Thursday : Job 9 – 10 |
Monday : Genesis 16 – 19 | Friday : Isaiah 23 – 28 |
Tuesday : Joshua 21 – 24 | Saturday : Matthew 11 – 13 |
Wednesday : Psalms 12 – 14 |
Fellowship Schedule | ||||
Date | Fellowship | Topik | Speaker | Place |
Wed. Jan. 29 |
Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM |
Short Message | Rev. Stephen Hosea MC: Andy Pansawira Music: Rini Buntaran |
Church 191 E Gish Road San Jose, CA 95112 |
Fri. Jan. 31 |
Young Adult 7:30 PM |
Movie/Game Night |
Core Team |
Church 191 E Gish Road San Jose, CA 95112 |
ANNOUNCEMENT | |||||||||||||||
1. |
Welcome to our Sunday service. If you are first time joining us, welcome! Hope you will join us again next week. Please invite your family and friends to join our Sunday service or fellowship so that they may hear the word of God and be blessed. |
2. |
Congratulations to the 2025 Deacons and Committees. May God be with your ministry and our programs this year. The list of the 2025 Deacons and Committees are as follow:
3. |
Mission Trip to Indonesia will be held from July 20 – 25 to Medan City and Pematang Siantar. You can find the detail of this mission trip at the bulletin board near library as well as in front of the ES. |
4. |
Mission Month 2025 will begin on February 2nd with the theme “Reap in Joy” (Psalms 126:5). Mission Conference will be held on February 22nd at IEC San Francisco at 4:00 pm and on February 23rd at San Jose (IS & ES combined). The keynote speaker will be Missionary Rev. Dana Ostby. Full details can be seen on the poster/flyer. |
5. |
This year’s Mission Budget (March 2025 – February 2026) is as follows:
6. |
For those who change their email address, please notify our treasurer via email: sjc.treasurer@gii-usa.org as soon as possible so they can email the offering receipt to the right account. |
7. |
Our condolences for the passing of Ms. Tjing Suan Hong (71 years old), the sister of Rev. Timotius Tjing on January 21 in Jakarta. May God strengthen and comfort the grieving family. |
1. |
Thanksgiving: family, church, work/study and ministry. |
2. |
Congregation: those who are sick and recovering, pregnant (Rina, Fransisca & Kimberly), looking for a job and the growth of our faith. |
3. |
Mission: mission month & conference, Missionaries Fina L., Dana & Karen O., John C., pastors and mission agencies that we support in Indonesia. |
4. |
Government: California, Indonesia and the U.S. (President Trump & his cabinet). |