March 26, 2017 | |
Speaker: | Rev. Alvin Louie |
Topic: | “Learning the Lesson the Hard Way” |
Speaker | Rev. Alvin Louie | |
Worship Leader | Cecylia Wati | |
Worship Team | Glenn Sebastian | |
Jennifer Idris | ||
Video Operator | Jonathan Lie | |
Sound System | Aldo Kurnia | |
Care Ministry | Gabriela Octaviani | Evelyn Tan |
Indonesian Svc. | Rev. Henky Suryantyo | |
Toddler Class | Stefani Subiantoro | Irine Lie |
Karen Louis | ||
Sunday School & Worship Leader | Kiki Rustam | Irene Lestari |
Erika Fataniah | Imelda Pratekto | |
Nadya Andini | Fransisca Tan | |
Jessica Atmadja | Paul Tjam | |
Irine Lestari | Maria Joana | |
Facility Team | Hidayat Lioe | Billy Simarmata |
Joseph Ho | ||
Refreshments | Cecylia Wati |
1. | Prelude |
2. | Call To Worship |
3. | Congregational Singing |
4. | **Opening Prayer |
5. | Congregational Singing |
6. | **Intercessory Prayer |
7. | Scripture Reading: “Jonah 4:4 – 11” |
8. | Congregational Singing |
9. | Sermon: “Learning the Lesson the Hard Way” |
10. | Congregational Singing |
11. | Offering & Offering Prayer |
12. | Memory Verse: “Psalm 103:8” |
13. | Announcement |
14. | Doxology |
15. | Benediction |
16. | Congregation Response: “Amen, Amen” |
17. | Postlude |
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends. |
“The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy”.
Psalm 103:8 |
March 27: 1 Samuel 1:13 – 4:12 | March 31: 1 Samuel 15:5 – 17:31 | |||
March 28: 1 Samuel 4:13 – 9:3 | April 1: 1 Samuel 17:32 – 20:4 | |||
March 29: 1 Samuel 9:4 – 12:19 | April 2: 1 Samuel 20:5 – 23:9 | |||
March 30: 1 Samuel 12:20 – 15:4 |
Date | Fellowship | Topic | Speaker | Place |
Wed March 29 |
Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM |
Fasting & Praying | Rev. Stephen Hosea MC: Rev. Timotius Tjing Music: Rini S. Lie |
Church 191 E Gish Road San Jose, CA 95112 |
Fri. March 31 |
Young Adult 7:00 pm |
50 Shades of Bribing | Pemuda Leader | Church 191 E Gish Road San Jose, CA 95112 |
Sat. April 8 |
East Bay Fellowship 5:00 PM |
T.B.A. | Rev. Stephen Hosea | Fei Fei & Mazmur Wong’s residence |
Sat. April 15 |
South Bay Fellowship 5:00 PM |
I AM ….. | Rev. Timotius Tjing | Sinta & Freddy Walla’s residence |
1. | We would like to welcome everyone who joins our service. May the Lord bless us all the days of our life! Everybody is invited to join our service every Sunday, as well as other fellowships and activities. After the service, please stay for some refreshments and fellowship in the kitchen area. |
2. | Rev. Stephen together with Mrs. Hosea are taking their vacation to China until March 29. Please remember them in your prayer during their holiday. |
3. | Ministry to LifeMoves Homeless Shelter will be on Saturday, April 1 from 4:00 – 7:00 PM. For those who wants to serve by preparing dinner, listening/sharing, praying or giving praises for the current residence, please contact Hari Rediawan ( |
4. | There will be family seminar on June 10 from 10:00 – 3:00 PM. The theme will be “Building A Stronger Family”. The speaker will be Rev. & Mrs. Yakub Susabda (Indonesia) and Rev. Sam Leong & team (English). There will be general session, youth + college, professional + young family, adults and senior. There will be kids and youth program as well. Please register to Martin Atmadja or Linda Tan. We will close the registration by May 14. |
5. | There will be “fasting & praying” on Wednesday, March 29. Everybody is encouraged to take part in either full or half day fasting. We will break the fast together in the church at 7:00 PM and continue with the prayer meeting. Our prayer focus that day will be Family Month, paying off church mortgage, preparation of the mission trip to Indonesia and the leadership of President Jokowi & Trump. |
6. | There will be care ministry training on April 29 from 10:00 – 12:30 PM. Please keep this training and preparation in your prayer |
7. | Our annual mission trip to Indonesia (Padang & Selat Panjang Island) will be on August 24 – 27. The program will be treatment & medical assistance, Sunday School training, personal & children evangelism, puppetry, film, and revival meeting. The cost is Rp. 3.200.000 that covers the plane ticket from Jakarta – Pekan Baru, transportation, meal and lodging. The flight ticket is subject to change after the deadline. Total participant is limited to 20 people and the deadline for registration is May 20, 2017. Please contact Aldo Kurnia or Rev. Stephen Hosea if you are interested to join. |
1. | Weekly activities & programs: fellowship (prayer meeting, young adult, cell group, music practice etc.), Good Friday Service & baptism, care ministry training and family seminar. |
2. | Needs: people who have hearts to serve, paying off church mortgage and monthly operational expenses. |
3. | Congregation: those who are sick (Mr. Wong => Jimmy Lie’s dad & Mrs. Liliek Trisno => recovery from her surgery), pregnant (Christine Phan & Margareth Hing), who struggle in life (their job, study, family, sickness, spouse etc.) and Jennifer Prajudha who is on a mission trip in El Salvador. |
4. | Government: California, Indonesia and the US. |