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May 21, 2017

May 21, 2017
Speaker: Rev. Andrew Lai
Topic: “The Secret of Walking with God”

Speaker Rev. Andrew Lai
Worship Leader Linda Tan
Worship Team Hari Rediawan
Iman Frans
Video Operator Raymond Wibowo
Sound System Glenn Sebastian
Care Ministry Gabriela Octaviani
Indonesian Svc. Rev. Fam Muk Thiam
Toddler Class Yanny Prasetya Jennifer Lukanta
Lorina Josephine
Sunday School & Worship Leader Cecylia Wati Jennifer Idris
Mariana Oswan Ronald Karunia
Jennifer Prajudha Alex Setiadi
Francisca Tan Shelly Sia
Marcel Prasetya
Facility Team Matthew Atmadja Jan Christian
Michael Naiggolam Ernes Ho
Refreshments Bryan Julius

1. Prelude
2. Call To Worship
3. Congregational Singing
4. **Opening Prayer
5. Congregational Singing
6. **Intercessory Prayer & closed with the Lord’s Prayer
7. Scripture Reading: “Micah 6:8”
8. Congregational Singing
9. Sermon: “The Secret of Walking with God”
10. Holy Communion
11. Congregational Singing
12. Offering & Offering Prayer
13. Memory Verse: “Micah 6:8”
14. Announcement
15. Doxology
16. Benediction
17. Congregation Response: “Amen, Amen”
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends.

“He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly,
To love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”                                           Micah 6:8

May 22: 2 Chronicles 35:19 – Ezra 2:42 May 26: Nehemiah 2:18 – 6:8
May 23: Ezra 2:43 – 6:3 May 27: Nehemiah 6:9 – 8:1
May 24: Ezra 6:4 – 9:2 May 28: Nehemiah 8:2 – 10:30
May 25: Ezra 9:3 – Nehemiah 2:17

Rev. Michael Boyland
Pemuda Leaders ​

Date Fellowship Topic Speaker Place
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
Short Message Rev. Timotius Tjing

MC: Ling Ling Tay
Music: Rini S. Lie

191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112
College Group

7:00 pm

A Little Wine for the Soul

What’s Up?

Rev. Michael Boyland

Pemuda Leaders

191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112

1. We would like to welcome everyone who joins our service. May the Lord bless us all the days of our life! Everybody is invited to join our service every Sunday, as well as other fellowships and activities. After the service, please stay for some refreshments and fellowship in the kitchen area.

2. Congratulations to the 2017 graduate:

  • High School: Geovano Zuliano and Theresa Tan
  • DeAnza College: Fiona Hermawan, Nadya Audrey, Kivia Sugiarto, Jan Christian, Andrean Tantiono, Bryan Julius Surjaputra, Sharon Lin, Billy Simarmata, Ruchelle Beltia, Priscilla Christie, Anthony Tedjakusuma, Martin Jonathan and Chika Angelina
  • Foothill College: Harison
  • University: Jordan Ng (SJSU), Cheryll Walla (LMU), Christopher Phan (UCLA), Daniel Trisno (UC Irvine), Nicholas Sugiarto (UC Irvine), Bryan Sugiarto (CalPoly) and Theodore Tan (CalPoly)

May God bless and lead you as you continue your study or looking for a job.

3. Congratulations to the children who have been promoted from their Sunday School Class 2017 today (the ceremony is in the Indonesian Service):

  • Toddler Graduates: Evangeline Azali, Gilbert Jusuf, Corinne Wong and Serena Kusuma
  • PreK-K Graduates: Kirsten Huang, Wesley Tan and Kathleen Tjowandi
  • Lower Elementary Graduates: Zachary Effendi, Jaeden Gunawan, Carston Lee, Nicolas Li, Tobias Satriya and Amy Zheng
  • Upper Elementary Graduates: Katelyn Fritz, Ben Hung and Madeline Lin

    May God bless the children and may they be blessing to others as well. Thank you to the parents and teachers who have taught and love them dearly.

4. Today is the deadline for the Family Seminar registration. Praise the Lord, we have about 60 people that registered. If you are interested or want to invite friends to join, please register to Martin Atmadja (, Linda Tan ( or write your name on the form that is printed on the bulletin board. We will start at 10:00 AM (sharp) – 12:30 PM then we will close with lunch together. There will be activities for children. For detail information, please refer to the poster that is on the bulletin board.

5. We would like to encourage every family in taking part in presenting song, playing an instrument, reading poem, Bible memorization or combination of the above during the Family Month in Sunday Service. The time is between 3 – 7 minutes max. Please register to Martin Atmadja (IS) or Linda Tan (ES) so we can arrange the schedule.

6. There will be a church family picnic on June 24 at the Rengstorff Park in Mountain View from 10:30 – 3:00 PM. Everybody is invited to join to relax, strengthen kinship and opportunity to bring new friends. The picnic is free but we need you to register to Dewi Atmadja or Ian Kok Jun Phan the latest by June 18.

7. We have closed the registration for the mission trip to Indonesia. The total participant is 18 (out of 20 maximum). If you are willing to join, please contact Rev. Stephen Hosea (since we still have 2 spot left). From San Jose, the participants are Himawan Brasali, Paul Tjam, Rini Buntaran and Elianne Tjam. Please pray for them and the team for their journey, health, safety and activities. For more detail, please refer to the poster that is posted on the bulletin board.

 1. Needs: paying off the mortgage (our target is year 2019) and people who willing to serve (retreat committees, facilities, Sunday School teachers etc.).
 2. Program: family seminar, church picnic, mission trip, church anniversary and Thanksgiving retreat.
 3. Congregation: those who are sick, pregnant (Margareth Hing & Stefani Subiantoro), who are looking for a job, families with small children and the elderly people.
 4. Government: California, Indonesia (religious harmony, eradication of corruption) and US (the wisdom of President Trump & his cabinet in making important decisions).