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August 27, 2017

August 27, 2017
Speaker: Rev. Michael Boyland
Topic: His Power for Us

Speaker Rev. Michael Boyland
Worship Leader Danny Chen
Worship Team Glenn Sebastian Jennifer Idris
Rina Josephine
Video Operator Jonathan Lie
Sound System Aldo Kurnia
Care Ministry Evelyn Tan Lucky Effendi
Indonesian Svc. Rev. David Chu
Toddler Class Irine Lie Nadya Andini
Beverly Tanada
Sunday School & Worship Leader Linna Phang Fransisca Tan
Mariana Oswan Seniwati Hung
Shelly Sia Imelda Pratekto
Irene Lestari
Jessica Atmadja
Facility Team Hidayat Lioe Joseph Ho
Refreshments Jenny & Peter Tan

1. Prelude
2. Call To Worship
3. Congregational Singing
4. **Opening prayer
5. Congregational Singing
6. **Intercessory Prayer
7. Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:15-23 & Psalm 66:1-9
8. Congregational Singing
9. Sermon: “His Power for us” 
10. Congregational Singing
11. Offering & Offering Prayer
12. Memory Verse: “Psalm 66:7”  
13. Announcement
14. Doxology
15. Benediction
16. Congregation Response: “Amen, Amen”
17. Postlude
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends.

“He rules by His power forever; His eyes observe the nations; Do not let the rebellious exalt themselves.”

Psalm 66:7

August 28: Lamentation 1:5 – 3:45 September 1: Ezekiel 10:22 – 14:8
August 29: Lamentation 3:46 – Ezekiel 1:20 September 2: Ezekiel 14:9 – 16:62
August 30: Ezekiel 1:21 – 6:6 September 3: Ezekiel 16:63 – 20:14
August 31: Ezekiel 6:7 – 10:21

Date Fellowship Topic Speaker Place
Aug 30
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
Fasting & Prayer Rev. Timotius Tjing

MC: Ev. Mariany Tjing
Music: Rini S. Lie

191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112
Sept 2
Young Adult
7:00 pm
Fellowship, Movie & Popcorn night Pemuda Leaders Church
191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112

Sept. 9

East Bay

5 PM

 T.B.A Rev. Timotius Tjing Mariana & Dony Oswan’s residence

Sept. 16

South Bay

5 PM

T.B.A. Rev. Stephen Hosea Rini & Jimmy Lie’s residence

1. We would like to welcome everyone who joins our service. May the Lord bless us all the days of our life! Everybody is invited to join our service every Sunday, as well as other fellowships and activities. After the service, please stay for some refreshments and fellowship in the kitchen area.

2. August 30th , 5th Wednesday is a Fasting & Prayer Day. We encourage you to take part in a full day or half day fasting. The prayer focus on that day are; paying off church mortgage in 2019, church growth in quantity as well as quality, those who are looking for a job, new college students, families longing for a child. We will break the fasting at 7 pm follow by prayer meeting.

3. The LifeMoves homeless shelter ministry is on Saturday, Sept 2nd at 4 to 7 pm. Those who want to help; preparing dinner, sharing & praying, or present songs please contact Aldo Kurnia at

4. To those who would like to provide dinner in Prayer meeting, Sunday’s refreshment or pulpit flower, please fill out the form that is posted on the bulletin board. Thank you for your offering.

5. The mission to Padang & Selat Panjang Islands in Indonesian just ended. Rev. Stephen Hosea will be back on August 30. Mrs. Esther Hosea will be back on Sept. 7. Thank you for your prayer support for the mission team and their ministry.

6. The Thanksgiving Retreat will be on November 23 – 25 at the Crowne Plaza in Sacramento and the theme is “Finding Balance in Life”. The speaker will be Ev. Kalvin & Tantiani Budiman and Tim Leung (see the poster at notice board). The cost is as follow:

Group/room 2 Adults/room 3 Adults/room 4 Adults/room
Adult/Professional $ 220.00/person * 1 – $200.00/person $ 155.00/person
* 2 – $ 170.00/person
13 years old – college $ 210.00/person * 1 – $ 190.00/person $ 145.00/person
* 2 – $ 160.00/person
Senior (65 years above) $ 210.00/person * 1 – $ 190.00/person $ 145.00/person
* 2 – $ 160.00/person

* 1 person/full size bed or 2 person/full size bed.

0 – 3 years old: free if stays with parents                3rd & 4th kids: free if stays with parents

4 – 12 years old: $ 50 if stays with parents             13 years old – high school: $ 110 (stays w/parent)

Registration starts on July 16 – October 29. After that, the price is subject to change. Please register to Alvin Wijaya, Jennifer Lukanta, Andy Pansawira or Rini Buntaran. You may also register online at and for those who are interested in ordering a T-shirt (see the picture at notice board), the cost is $7.00.

 6. The Children Ministry will start Kids’ EE (Evangelical Explosion) discipleship training for our Upper Elementary kids (3-5th graders). We will need 3 helpers each week. If you would like to volunteer to help once a month or to find more information, please contact Irene Lestari at This class will be from Sep 24 to Mar 4, 2018.

 1. Weekly activities: prayer meeting, pemuda fellowship, music practices, cell groups, etc.
 2. Members: those who are not well, looking for a job, pregnant (Stefani, Irine, Devina, Felicia), new college students in their adjustment and study.
 3. Mission: missionary Fina Linan (Burkina Faso), Dana & Karen Ostby (Indonesia).