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October 15, 2017

October 15, 2017
Speaker: Rev. Stephen Hosea
Topic: “The Power of Tongue”

Speaker Rev. Stephen Hosea
Worship Leader Linda Tan
Worship Team Hari Rediawan Sylvie Liong
Slide Operator Raymond Wibowo
Sound System Matthew Atmadja
Care Ministry Sande Soedjadi Regina Jong
Indonesian Svc. Rev. Antonius Setiawan
Toddler Class Yanny Prasetya Silvi Tan
Yuliana Soeharto
Sunday School & Worship Leader Linna Phang Stanley Hung
Sharlene Sia Jennifer Idris
Shelly Sia Liliana Brasali
Clara Iskandar Paul Tjam
Cecylia Wati Alex Setiadi
Ronald Karunia Seniwati Hung
Facility Team Jeh Lin Matthew Atmadja
Ernes Ho
Refreshments Gabriela Octaviani

1. Prelude
2. Call To Worship
3. Congregational Singing
4. **Opening prayer
5. Congregational Singing
6. **Intercessory Prayer
7. Scripture Reading: “James 3:1 – 12”
8. Congregational Singing
9. Sermon: “The Power of Tongue”
10. Presentation of Joyful Noise Children Choir
11. Congregational Singing
12. Offering & Offering Prayer
13. Memory Verse: “Proverbs 18:21”
14. Announcement
15. Doxology
16. Benediction
17. Congregation Response: “Amen, Amen”
18. Postlude
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit”.                                                Proverbs 18:21

October 16: Mark 8:5 – 10:1 October 20: Mark 15:19 – Luke 1:36
October 17: Mark 10:2 – 12:1 October 21: Luke 1:37 – 2:41
October 18: Mark 12:2 – 14:5 October 22: Luke 2:42 – 4:36
October 19: Mark 14:6 – 15:18

Date Fellowship Topic Speaker Place
Oct. 18
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
One Month to Live Ev. Mariany Tjing
MC: Mazmur Wong
Music: Rini Buntaran
191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112
Oct. 20
Young Adult
7:00 pm
The Existence of God Dr. Arvin Gouw Church
191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112
Oct. 21
South Bay Fellowship
5:00 PM
3 Aspect of Relationships Rev. Timotius Tjing Jerry Sugiarto’s residence

1. We would like to welcome everyone who joins our service. May the Lord bless us all the days of our life! Everybody is invited to join our service every Sunday, as well as other fellowships and activities. After the service, please stay for some refreshments and fellowship in the kitchen area.
2. Congratulations to Robby Tjoeng and Nisha Azis who just got baptized today (in the Indonesian Service). May Jesus help with their spiritual growth and use them to become His witness.
3. There are limited flu shots (approximately 30 people) available from Walgreens today at 12:00 PM in front of our church.
4. The Catechism class has started. To those who want to be baptized, become an official member or dedicate your child, please register with Rev. Timotius. The ceremony will be on December 10th.
5. Everybody is invited to visit our church website ( to follow the weekly news, program update, picture of our activities, listening to our Sunday sermon or reading spiritual article.
6. To those who are interested in helping out in the facility area, please contact Hidayat Lioe ( or Jeh Lin ( Please remember to clean up your own refreshment items; don’t leave cups/food around and to throw to trash in the kitchen area (not in the restroom) after done.
6. In part of the Kids EE program for Upper Elementary class, Sunday School will host a Harvest Carnival where we will have decorated cars and booths for games and treats. The purpose of the event is for our kids to evangelize other kids in our neighborhood as part of their learning in EE class. The event will be on October 28, from 2:00 – 4:00 PM at IEC SJ parking lot. There will be food, games, treats, and bounce house. Everyone is welcome. Please register at harvest-carnival-tickets-38215 594873 if you are planning to come.

If you want to participate in hosting a car booth, please contact Yanny Prasetya ( For any questions, please contact Irene Lestari ( or Seniwati Hung ( Please take the postcard provided at the front table to invite friends with children.

8. The Thanksgiving Retreat (November 23 – 25) will be at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Sacramento. The theme is “Finding Balance in Life”. The speakers are: Ev. Kalvin Budiman (Indonesian), Rev. Roy Tinklenberg (English), Pastor Tim Leung (Teen), and Ev. Tantiani Budiman (Children). The cost is as follow:

Group/room 2 Adults/room 3 Adults/room 4 Adults/room
Adult/Professional $ 195.00/person * 1 – $175.00/person $ 130.00/person
* 2 – $ 145.00/person
13 years old – college $ 185.00/person * 1 – $ 165.00/person $ 120.00/person
* 2 – $ 135.00/person
Senior (65 years above) $ 185.00/person * 1 – $ 165.00/person $ 120.00/person
* 2 – $ 135.00/person

* 1 person/full size bed or 2 person/full size bed.

0 – 3 years old: free if stays with parents                3rd & 4th kids: free if stays with parents

4 – 12 years old: $ 30 if stays with parents             13 years old – High School: $ 85 (stays w/parent)

Registration will end on October 29. After that, the price is subject to change. Please register to Alvin Wijaya, Jennifer Lukanta, Andy Pansawira or Rini Buntaran. You may also register online at and for those who are interested in ordering a T-shirt (see the picture at notice board), the cost is $ 7.00. To those who would like to support our retreat’s needs ($10,000), you may put a note on your check “2017 retreat”.