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November 12, 2017

November 12, 2017
Speaker: Dr. Sam Earp
Topic: “Power to Become”

Speaker Dr. Sam Earp
Worship Leader Erwin Widiarta
Worship Team Glenn Sebastian Daniel Trisno
Marlene Koesmajadi
Slide Operator Alvin Wijaya
Sound System Aldo Kurnia
Care Ministry Gabriela Octaviani Hansel Chong
Indonesian Svc. Rev. Stephen Hosea
Toddler Class Nadya Andini Regina Jong
Priscilla Christie
Sunday School & Worship Leader Linna Phang Yanny Prasetya
Riawati Woen Marcel Prasetya
Ling Ling Tay Jefferson Utomo
Jennifer Idris Shirly Effendi
Cezia Yohanes Bernard Huang
Jacky Wong
Facility Team Matthew Aaron Setiawan Susanto
Stefan Prajogo
Refreshments Hari & Erniwati Satriya

1. Prelude
2. Call To Worship
3. Congregational Singing
4. **Opening prayer
5. Congregational Singing
6. **Intercessory Prayer
7. Scripture Reading: “Psalm 139:23 – 24”
8. Congregational Singing
9. Sermon: “Power to Become”
10. Congregational Singing
11. Offering & Offering Prayer
12. Memory Verse: “1 Thessalonians 4:3a
13. Announcement
14. Doxology
15. Benediction
16. Congregation Response: “Amen, Amen”
17. Postlude
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends.

“For this is the will of God, your sanctification”.                                                                                                                                                                                 1 Thessalonians 4:3a

November 13: John 20:21 – Acts 2:24 November 17: Acts 9:16 – 11:10
November 14: Acts 2:25 – 4:37 November 18: Acts 11:11 – 13:41
November 15: Acts 5:1 – 7:29 November 19: Acts 13:42 – 16:6
November 16: Acts 7:30 – 9:15

Date Fellowship Topic Speaker Place
Nov. 15
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
Purpose Driven Life – Day 41 Ev. Mariany Tjing
MC: Mega Iriawan
Music: Rini Buntaran
191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112
Nov. 17
Young Adult

7:00 pm

Giving Thanks in All Circumstances

Living in Fellowship
(1 Peter 4:7 – 11)

Dr. Sam Earp

Pemuda Leaders

191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112

1. We would like to welcome everyone who joins our service. May the Lord bless us all the days of our life! Everybody is invited to join our service every Sunday, as well as other fellowships and activities. After the service, please stay for some refreshments and fellowship in the kitchen area.
2. Thank you to those who have donated some food for the Napa Valley/Santa Rosa fire victims. We have given everything to the Redwood Gospel Mission. God bless you all.
3. To all retreat participants, please read on things that need to be known/brought on the bulletin board. The hotel is allowing us to accept few more participants, so if you or any of your friends/families are interested, please contact either Rini Buntaran, Andy Pansawira, Alvin Wijaya or Jennifer Lukanta as soon as possible.
4. Our Prayer Meeting Committee will be doing Christmas Caroling on Saturday, December 23rd from 5:00 – 8:30 PM. If you or your family/friends would like to be visited, please contact Yung Kie Hing ( no later than December 10.
5. Our end of year programs are as follow:

  • December 2 at 5:00 PM: Combined EBF & SBF at Freddy and Sinta Walla’s house.
  • December 8 at 7:00 PM: Combined SF & SJ Young Adult Fellowship in San Jose.
  • December 16 at 5:00 PM: Combined (SF & SJ) Christmas Celebration in San Francisco at 5:00 PM with musical drama “Night of Miracles” by John W. Peterson.
  • December 24 at 10:00 AM: Combined Christmas Service (Indonesian & English).
  • December 31 at 10:00: New Year Service (there won’t be New Year’s Eve Fellowship at night).
6. To those who would like to dedicate their child or to become an official member of our church on December 10, please contact our deacons or Rev. Timotius.

 1. Programs: retreat, people who are joining the Catechism class and Christmas events.
 2. Needs: paying off the church mortgage and people who are willing to serve in 2018.
 3. Congregation: those who are sick, pregnant (Devina, Irine & Felicia), going through struggle (in their work, study, family etc.).
 4. Missions: Missionary Fina Linan (Burkina Faso), Dana & Karen Ostby (Indonesia), family members and friends who are not saved yet.
 5.  Government: California, Indonesia and the US.