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January 21, 2018

January 21, 2018
Speaker: Rev. Matthew Blevins
Topic: “Walking by Faith”

Speaker Rev. Matthew Blevins
Worship Leader Linda Tan
Worship Team Hari Rediawan Sylvie Liong
Slide Operator Raymond Wibowo
Sound System Matthew Atmadja
Care Ministry Regina Jong Sande Soedjadi
Indonesian Svc. Rev. David Chu
Toddler Class Yanny Prasetya Silvi Tan
Meta Novitia
Sunday School & Worship Leader Linna Phang Erniwati Satriya
Sharlene Sia Stanley Hung
Felia Su Jennifer Idris
Jessica Atmadja Jerry Sugiarto
Imelda Pratekto Bernard Huang
Ronald Karunia Maria Joana
Facility Team Matthew Atmadja Jeh Lin
Ernes Ho
Refreshments Luciana Ng

1. Prelude
2. Call To Worship
3. Congregational Singing
4. **Opening prayer
5. Congregational Singing
6. **Intercessory Prayer
7. Scripture Reading: “Matthew 14:22 – 23”
8. Congregational Singing
9. Sermon: “Walking by Faith”
10. Congregational Singing
11. Offering & Offering Prayer
12. Memory Verse: “Matthew 14:23”
13. Announcement
14. Doxology
15. Benediction
16. Congregation Response: “Amen, Amen”
17. Postlude
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends.

“And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there”.            Matthew 14:23

January 22: Exodus 10:8 – 13:2 January 26: Exodus 22:12 – 25:14
January 23: Exodus 13:3 – 16:7 January 27: Exodus 25:15 – 28:1
January 24: Exodus 16:8 – 19:13 January 28: Exodus 28:2 – 29:43
January 25: Exodus 19:14 – 22:11

Date Fellowship Topic Speaker Place
Jan 24
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
Demonology Ev. Mariany Tjing
MC: Ling Ling Tay
Music: Rini Buntaran
191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112
Jan 26


7:00 pm

Can I Drink Alcohol/Go to a Club/House Party?

Dear Younger Me …

Rev. Kevin Lee


Pemuda Leaders & Members

191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112

1. We would like to welcome everyone who joins our service. May the Lord bless us all the days of our life! Everybody is invited to join our service every Sunday, as well as other fellowships and activities. After the service, please stay for some refreshments and fellowship in the kitchen area.
2. Next week, January 28, there will be a combined service (Indonesian & English congregation) in order of the inauguration of the new deacons and committees. The 2018 Deacons and Committees are as follow:

Deacons: Hendra Fanggara, Andy Pansawira, Megawati Iriawan, Linda Tan
IS Committees: Denny Iriawan, Rini Sidartawan Lie, Rini Hing, Ling Ling Tay.
ES Committees: Glenn Sebastian, Maria Joana.
Prayer Meeting Committee: Yungkie Hing.
Children Ministry Committees: Seniwati Hung, Shelly Sia, Linna Phang, Irene Lestari.
Young Adult Committees: Alvin Wijaya, Hansel Chong, Jennifer Lukanta, Setiawan Susanto.
Food Committees: Jenny Tan, Jujun Phan, Evelyn Hermawan.
Mission Committee: Erwin Widiarta.
Facility Committees: Hidayat Lioe, Jeh Lin.
Publication Committee: Shirly Effendi.
Library Committee: Cezia Yohanes.
Documentation Committee: Mazmur Wong
Website Committees: Shelly Sia, Dony Oswan, Devie Lin.
SBF Committee: Nanny Tenggara.
EBF Committee: Ian Kokjun Phan.

All are invited to witness this event and pray for their various ministries.

3. If you would like to dedicate your kid(s), to be baptized or to become an official member of the church on Good Friday, March 30 at 7:30 PM, please contact Pastor Timotius. The baptism class will start next Sunday, January 28, from 12:00 – 1:00 PM.
4. We will start our mission conference on February 4 and will end on February 24 with a Mission Conference in IEC San Francisco at 4:00 PM. The closing of mission month is on February 25. The theme of this conference is “Mission Possible” with Dr. Robert McCroskey as the speaker. He was a missionary in Indonesia for 38 years. The founder and professor of Nazarene Theology School in Yogyakarta, and on top of that, we will have Fina Linan (our own missionary in Africa) to share and become a speaker for the children. Please pray for this event and we hope you can take part of this program and invite family and friends as well.
5. To those who would like to provide Sunday refreshments, dinner for Wednesday’s prayer meeting, or flower pulpit for the Indonesian Service, you may write down your name on the list that is posted on the bulletin board. Thank you for all your support in 2017.

1. Activities: prayer meeting, young adult, SBF & EBF, cell groups and choir/music practice.
2. The new 2018 deacons & committees that will be inaugurated next week.
3. Congregation: those who are sick, pregnant (Bertha Cherie), students in their study and professionals in their career.
4. Mission: activities in the February mission month, 2018 mission fund and the 4,000 people as target to hear the Gospel.
5. Country: Indonesia (security during the election of the regional head) and US (President Trump & his cabinet).