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May 13, 2018

May 13, 2018
Speaker: Rev. Stephen Hosea
Topic: Be A God Pleasing Children

Speaker Rev. Stephen Hosea
Worship Leader Andiyono Tan & Williana Purnama
Worship Team Rini Sidartawan-Lie
Slide Operator Alvin Wijaya
Sound System Hidayat Teonadi
Care Ministry Gabriela Octaviani Stefan Prajogo
Hansel Chong
Indonesian Svc. Combined
Toddler Class Nadya Andini Priscilla Christie
Felia Su
Worship Leader &
Sunday School Classes
Linna Phang Erniwati Satriya
Riawati Woen Hari Satriya
Ling Ling Tay Bernard Huang
Lisa Hung Jacky Wong
Facility Team Matthew Aaron Setiawan Susanto
Stefan Prajogo David Sudjana
Refreshments Young Adults (Church)


1. Prelude
2. Call To Worship
3. Congregational Singing: 28
4. **Opening prayer
5. Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 5:1-8
6. Congregational Singing: 15
7. Apostles’ Creed
8. **Intercessory Prayer & the Lord’s Prayer
9. Congregational Singing: “Thy Word
10. Sermon: Be A God Pleasing Children
11. Child Dedication
12. Congregational Singing:God Gave Mothers to Protect us
13. Offering & Offering Prayer
14. Memory Verse: 1 Timothy 5:4
15. Announcement
16. Short skit from Joyful Noise Children Choir
17. Gift Presentation to Mothers
18. Doxology: No.53 “Doxology
19. Benediction
20. Congregation Response: “Amen, Amen”
21. Postlude
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends.


“But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God.”

             1 Timothy 5:4 NIV


May 14: 2 Chronicles 6:23 – 9:25 May 18: 2 Chronicles 22:1 – 25:25
May 15: 2 Chronicles 9:26 – 13:21 May 19: 2 Chronicles 25:26 – 29:23
May 16: 2 Chronicles 13:22 – 18:17 May 20: 2 Chronicles 29:24 – 32:24
May 17: 2 Chronicles 18:18 – 21:20


Fellowship Schedule
Date Fellowship Topik Speaker Place
May 16
Prayer Meeting
7:00 pm
Short Message Rev. Stephen Hosea
MC: David Wong
Music: Esther Hosea
191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112
May 18
7:00 pm


7:00 pm

David: Being a Man/Woman After God’s Own Heart

The Hard Questions about Prayer

Dr. Sam Earp

Pemuda Leaders

191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112
May 19
South Bay Fellowship
5:00 pm
The Ant vs
The Elephant
Rev. Timotius Tjing Dewi & Martin Atmadja residence


1. We would like to welcome everyone who joins our service. May the Lord bless us all the days of our life! Everybody is invited to join our service every Sunday, as well as other fellowships and activities. After the service, please stay for some refreshments and fellowship in the kitchen area.

2. Happy Mother’s Day! May God bless you to be a witness and be blessings in your family, church, and society.

3. Child Dedication for today:

  1. a) Abigail Claire Wibowo, daughter of Irine Lie and Raymond Wibowo
  2. b) Keisha Celine Tjowandi, daughter of Felicia Gunawan and Darwin Tjowandi
  3. c) Gabriel Ethan Setiadi, son of Devina Tandrawarsito and Alex Setiadi

Congratulations to the parents and we pray that the Lord will help and give wisdom in caring, raising, and educating these children in the word of God so that they will be faithful to God when they grow up.

4. June is the Family Month. The theme is The House of The Righteous. In this month, our church will have Revival Meeting on June 16th at 10:30 am. The topic is “Taste & See”. Indonesian speaker: Rev. Hengky Chiok, English speaker: Rev. Brian Leong, and Children speaker: Ms. Virginia Lin. Full details can be seen on the poster. Use this opportunity to invite new friends to hear the Gospel. Invitation cards are available at the welcome desk.

 5. Our annual mission trip to Indonesia (Seram Island, Ambon and Maluku) will be on August 30th – September 2nd (leaving Jakarta on August 29th evening). The cost is Rp. 3.200.000, covers the plane ticket from Jakarta – Ambon – Jakarta, transportation, meal and lodging. There will be school evangelism, children evangelism through puppetry, film, Sunday School teachers and family training. Total participant is limited to 20 people and the deadline for registration is May 20th, 2018. Please contact Stephen Hosea if you are interested to join. (The price is subject to change after the deadline).

 6. If you have shared the Gospel, please write down the number and drop it in the “4,000 people target hear the Gospel” box on the table in front of the library room. Praise God that the total of people heard the gospel in April (combined from our 4 churches) were 205.

 7. Some programs in June – August:

  1. Revival Meeting on June 16th
  2. Father’s Day on June 17th
  3. Church picnic on July 14th at Rengstorff Park, Mountain View
  4. Mission trip to Indonesia on August 30th to September 2nd
 8. We are inviting all of you, men (high school and above), to join ES first ever Men’s Fellowship (in English) on May 19th, from 11-2PM at Jimmy Lie’s residence, 1121 Calcaterra Ct. San Jose 95120. There will be lunch, fellowship, and sharing of life-changing experiences. Please register here: For further information, contact Chris Rustam, Akong Setiawan, Maria Joana, or Glenn Sebastian (510-219-1894).

1. Growth: in quantity, quality, reading the Bible, and willing to serve God.
2. Needs: Paying off the church mortgage, mission, and monthly operational.
3. Congregation: those who are weak in body or spirit, pregnant (Bertha Cherie & Yuliana Soeharto), and those who are struggling in life.
4. Government: California, Indonesia, and USA.