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February 10, 2019

February 10, 2019
Speaker: Rev.Alvin Louie
Topic: Arise, Go and Proclaim

Speaker Rev.Alvin Louie
Worship Leader Erwin Widiarta
Worship Team Glenn Sebastian Rina Harjono
Marlene Koesmajadi
Slide Operator Alvin Wijaya
Sound System Jonathan Lie
Care Ministry Hansel Chong Jessica Parhusip
Fransisca Poniman
Indonesian Svc. Rev.John Chiang
Toddler Class Jennifer Lukanta Priscilla Christie
Regina Jong
Worship Leader &
Sunday School Classes
Hari Rediawan Lisa Hung
Joanna Maria Erniwati Satriya
Riawati Woen Hari Satriya
Ling Ling Tay Jennifer Prajudha
Facility Team: Jeh Lin Churchill Chiu
Ernes Ho
Refreshments: Fiona Hermawan



1. Prelude
2. Call To Worship
3. Congregational Singing: “Go Forth & Tell” & “Great Are You Lord”
4. **Opening prayer
5. Congregational Singing: “Is He Worthy?
6. **Intercessory Prayer and closed with the Lord’s Prayer
7. Scripture Reading: Jonah 3:1-4
8. Congregational Singing: “You Make Me Brave
9. Sermon: “Arise, Go and Proclaim
10. Holy Communion: Lead Me To Calvary”
11. Congregational Singing: “Oceans
12. Offering & Offering Prayer
13. Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 4:2
14. Announcement
15. Doxology: No.53 “Doxology
16. Benediction
17. Congregation Response: “Amen, Amen”
18. Postlude
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends.

“Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.”                                                     2 Timothy 4:2


Sunday        : Romans 13 – 14 Thursday  : Job 13 – 14
Monday       : Genesis 24 – 27 Friday      : Isaiah 34 – 39
Tuesday      : Judges 7 – 11 Saturday  : Matthew 17 – 19
Wednesday : Psalm 18 – 20

Fellowship Schedule
Date Fellowship Topik Speaker Place
Feb. 13
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
Bible & Health Ev.Mariany Tjing
MC: Ling Ling Tay
Music: Rini Buntaran
191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112
Feb. 15
Young Adults 
7:00 PM
Evangelism :“A Grateful Heart” Rev.Sonny Wan Church
191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112

1. We would like to welcome everyone who joins our service. May the Lord bless us all the days of our life! Everybody is invited to join our service every Sunday, as well as other fellowships and activities. After the service, please stay for some refreshments and fellowship in the kitchen area.
2. The combined East Bay & South Bay fellowship to celebrate our mission month & Chinese New Year will be held on Feb. 16th at 5.00 pm at Fei Fei & Mazmur Wong’s residence. We invite everyone to attend.
3. For those who want to dedicate their child, be baptized, or become an official member of the church at Good Friday service, April 19th, please contact Rev. Timotius. Catechism classes will begin Feb. 17th to April 7th every Sunday from 12.00 to 1.00 p.m. on the 2nd floor.
4. The Mission Conference as the closing of Mission Month will be held on March 2nd at 4.00 pm at IEC San Francisco, and March 3rd at 10:00 am here. The speaker will be missionary Rev.Dana Ostby who served in Central Java. The theme is “Arise, Go and Proclaim”. Please pray for him and also invite friends.
5. Mission trips to Tagulandang Island and Siau Island in Menado will be held on August 1-4. For those who are planning to take part in the trip, please contact Erwin Widiarta or Rev. Hosea.
6. This year’s Mission Committee activities include (a). sharing from mission organizations/every 2 months (b). mission/event/activity info board (c). outside ministry/except to homeless shelter (d). local mission trip. Please pray for the preparation and activities of the mission.
7. For those who want to help the facility, children, food and beverages team, etc. please contact the Committee. For food and beverages for Wednesday Prayer Meeting or Sunday Service, please fill out the form posted on the food and beverages bulletin board. The list of Deacons and Committees can be seen on the bulletin board.
8. The target of people hear the Gospel this year is 5,000 from 5 churches (LA, SF, SJ, Sacto, and SD). For those who have shared the Gospel, please write the number and put it in the box “Target 5,000 People Hear the Gospel” on the table in front of the library or to Rev.Timotius. Please use the materials available at the table to help sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
9. The budget of Mission Ministry 2019

IEC San Diego Mission church $        750
Mission Churches in Budapest, Milan (Italy), Cape Town (South Africa) $     1,250
Mission for Indonesia: Mitra Pelayanan Tuhan, Banjarmasin, STT Pelita Dunia, Missionary Dana Ostby & Mission Trips $     2,700
Local Mission: Homeless Ministry, Local Mission trip, Chinese Minority Mission, Mission Church, EE Training, Children Hospital, Senior Center, Evangelistic Meeting & Training, Student Ministry Outreach, Harvest Carnival, Outreach Care Ministry, Mien Ministry, etc $     2,800
Missionary Fund: Fina Linan, Africa $     1,700
Total Budget                                                                 per month $     9,200
Total Budget                                                                  per year $ 110,400

1. Growth: in quantity (number of attendees) and quality (reading the Bible, praying, loving, serving).
2. Congregations: those who are sick and in recovery, pregnant (Linna Phang), students and professionals and those who have struggles in life.
3. Mission: target of 5,000 people to hear the gospel, mission conference, missionaries Fina Linan, Dana and Karen Ostby.
4. Government: California, Indonesia and USA.