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April 7, 2019

April 7, 2019
Speaker: Rev.Michael Boyland
Topic: What Now?

Speaker Rev.Michael Boyland
Worship Leader Danny Chen
Worship Team Glenn Sebastian Jessica Parhusip
Marlene Koesma
Slide Operator Jennifer Lukanta
Sound System Yosef Manasseh
Care Ministry Jeh Lin Sukmawati Alim
Deddy Wahyudi
Indonesian Svc. Rev.Timotius Tjing
Toddler Class Yanny Prasetya Cezia Yohanes
Sri Gudel
Worship Leader &
Sunday School Classes
Hari Rediawan Gabriela Octaviani
Sharlene Sia Linda Tan
Gabriela Octaviani Sansan Melissa
Cezia Yohanes Sansan Melissa
Lany Trisno Sharon Budijono
Facility Team: Joseph Ho Hidayat Lioe
Jefry Bani
Refreshments: Mazmur Wong & Fei Fei Gono


1. Prelude
2. Call To Worship
3. Congregational Singing: “Great is Thy Faithfulness”
4. **Opening prayer
5. Congregational Singing: Because He Lives
6. **Intercessory Prayer
7. Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:1-10
8. Congregational Singing: “What a God We Have in Jesus
9. Sermon: “What Now?
10. Congregational Singing: “Old Rugged Cross
11. Offering & Offering Prayer
12. Memory Verse: Ephesians 4:1
13. Announcement
14. Doxology: No.53 “Doxology
15. Benediction
16. Congregation Response: “Amen, Amen”
17. Postlude
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends.

“I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.”                                                                                                                                    Ephesians 4:1


Sunday        : 1 Corinthians 13 – 14 Thursday  : Job 29 – 30
Monday       : Exodus 5 – 8 Friday      : Jeremiah 12 – 16
Tuesday      : 1 Samuel 21 – 25 Saturday  : Mark 9 – 10
Wednesday : Psalm 42 – 44

Fellowship Schedule
Date Fellowship Topik Speaker Place
Apr 10
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
Short Message Ev.Mariany Tjing
MC: David Wong
Music: Rini Buntaran
191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112
Apr 12

7:00 PM

 Devil & Sin

Jesus’ Sacrifice & Resurrection

Rev.Timotius Tjing

Dr.Arvin Gouw

191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112

1. We would like to welcome everyone who joins our service. May the Lord bless us all the days of our life! Everybody is invited to join our service every Sunday, as well as other fellowships and activities. After the service, please stay for some refreshments and fellowship in the kitchen area.
2. Next week, April 14 there will be Holy Communion. Please be prepared to take part in the Communion. You may bring your tithe to the Lord on next week.
3. Rev. Hosea and Mrs. Esther will be having vacation in Australia and New Zealand on April 2 and will return on April 13. Please pray for their safe trip.
4. The East Bay fellowship will be held on April 13 at 5.00 p.m. at Lulu & Mark Zheng’s residence. 10065 La Paz Avenue, San Ramon, CA 94583. The South Bay fellowship will be held on April 20 at 5:00 p.m. at Mega & Denny Iriawan’s residence. 2068 Donnici Street, San Jose, CA 95136. Inviting the congregation who lives in the area to attend and use the opportunity to invite new friends to fellowship together.
5. We are inviting all men to join our upcoming men’s fellowship on April 13 at 10AM-1PM at Rustam’s residence. We will learn about and discuss How to be God’s man together, followed with lunch and fellowship time. More details will come soon, but save the date and register here:
6. The Children Ministry is organizing a special event for kids on Easter Sunday, April 21. There will be “God’s Not Dead” musical drama, egg hunt, build resurrection egg, and games. Use this event as an opportunity to invite your children, grandchildren and friends to hear the Gospel (Jesus came, suffered and died for our sin then rose again to give hope of eternal life for those who believes in Him). Please take the prepared invitation to invite others.
7. For those who have shared the Gospel, please write the number and put it in the box “Target 5,000 People Hear the Gospel” on the table in front of the library. The total of people heard the Gospel in March (5 churches) was 299 people. Let us share about Jesus our Savior to the people around us.
8. Our local mission trip to FIRM (Fresno Interdenominational Refugee Ministries) serving the Hmong, Laotian and Syrian tribes is planned to take place on July 19-21. Activities include: prayer walks, children VBS, door-to-door evangelism, community service. It costs $ 100.00/person (transportation, meals, accommodation). Please register by May 19 to Erwin Widiarta, Lavinia Harjono or Rini Buntaran. Please pray for this mission trip.
9. Mission trips to Indonesia, Tagulandang Island and Siau Island in Menado will be held on August 1-4. The cost will be IDR 6.6 million or IDR 7.6 million (add to Tomohon). Registration will be closed on May 26 and prices will change after that date. 20 people have registered for the trip. For those who are planning to take part in the trip, please contact Erwin Widiarta or Rev. Hosea.
10. The Church will hold a Discipleship Training on Saturday, May 11 from 10:00 to 3.00 p.m. Please save the date and plan to attend so you can be equipped in serving His church effectively.
11. We’d like to hear from you!

1. Needs: repayment of building loans, monthly operational funds, ministry in facility and Sunday Schools.
2. Congregations: those who are sick (Sujono Tan, Hansel’s grandfather), looking for work, and for those who have struggles (study, work, family, finance, etc.).
3. The world: conflict in the Middle East, relations between South & North Korea, world peace in general.
4. Government: California, Indonesia and USA.