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March 22, 2020

Dear IEC San Jose congregation,

We continuously monitor the latest health guidelines from the US Department of Health including “Shelter in Place” order recently put in place.  The deacons have further decided the following to be effective starting today (Tue, March 17th) until the end of the “Shelter in Place” order (Tue, April 7th):

    1. Sunday Services (IS & ES) will continue to be broadcasted through the on-line streaming. There will be 2 separate streaming – one for Indonesian (by SF church) and another one for English (by SJ church). Both services will be at 11AM.  On-line streaming links to follow.
    2. You can access Sunday School materials on: Parents are encouraged to help teach their children using the materials provided. Teen class will be done using Zoom meeting lead by their Sunday School teacher at 11AM.
    3. Congregation is strongly encouraged to join our Sunday Services through on-line streaming from home in alignment with the government instruction.
  • Young Adult/Professional is cancelled up to April 3rd. The South Bay Fellowships on March 21st will be cancelled, too.
  • Wednesday Prayer Meetings (in Indonesian) at 7pm will be conducted through on-line Zoom meeting that you may join at your own home. Details to be provided.

We took careful consideration toward each decisions, and will continue to adjust should any changes on health guidelines.  We advice our congregation to follow CDC guidance on how to protect yourself:

Let’s continue to lift this into our daily prayer:  “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”  (Phil 4:6-7, NIV )

Please forward this announcement to other brothers and sisters.

Thank you,
Pastor Stephen Hosea
March 22, 2020
Speaker: Pastor Dean Saelao
Topic: “Faith Over Fear”

Speaker Pastor Dean Saelao
Worship Leader Cecylia Wati
Pianist Jennifer Chandra
Slide Operator Aldo Kurnia
Sound System Randy Renandya
Care Ministry
Indonesian Svc. Rev. Hengkie Tjahyadi
Kids Class
Teen Class Paul Tjam
Facility Team:

1. Prelude
2. Call To Worship
3. Congregational Singing: “Heart of Worship”
4. **Opening prayer
5. Scriptural Reading: Matthew 8:23-27
6. Congregational Singing: “It Is Well With My Soul”
7. **Intercessory Prayer
8. Sermon: “Faith Over Fear”
9. Offering Song: “Made Me Glad”
10. Offering Prayer
11. Announcements
12. Doxology
13. Benediction
14. Congregational Response: “Amen, Amen”
15. Postlude
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends.

But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’”                                  Matthew 4:4

Sunday        : 1 Corinthians 9 – 10 Thursday  : Job 25 – 26
Monday       : Genesis 48 – 50 Friday      : Jeremiah 1 – 6
Tuesday      : 1 Samuel 11 – 15 Saturday  : Mark 5 – 6
Wednesday : Psalm 36 – 38

Fellowship Schedule
Date Fellowship Topik Speaker Place
Mar 25
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
Names of God Rev. Timotius Tjing
MC: Liliana Brasali

Pianist: Himawan Brasali

Online / Zoom Conference

Fri. College


1. Welcome all in joining the online streaming worship service. Please let others know so that they may join too.
2. Thank you for your support in attending Sunday Service (adults, teen, kids) and Prayer Meeting through online these few weeks. May you all be blessed and strengthened in faith in this difficult times.
3. Temporary you may give your offering in two ways:

a). send your check to: Indonesian Evangelical Church. For: mission/building/tithe/thanksgiving, etc.

address: 191 East Gish Road, San Jose, CA 95112

b). Transfer through Zelle to or and indicate for: mission/tithe/building, etc.

4. Due to the COVID-19, the plan for study tour to Israel on May 3-15 is cancelled.
5. The combined English Service and Sunday School Easter Outreach program on April 12th is cancelled.
6. The online streaming link for Sunday Service is: Please subscribe the IEC channel. You will be able to select Indonesian or English Service at 11AM.
7. Please check the church website at regularly to see updated announcement.
8. Our condolences to Sugio Juwono (Synod treasurer) on the passing of his dad, Mr. Tjokro Juwono (95 years) in Jakarta on March 21st. May the Lord comfort and strengthen the whole family.

1. Activities: Sunday Service and Prayer Meeting online streaming and family worship at home.
2. Congregation: who are sick or in recovery: Mrs. Aan Juliana (at nursing home), Rev. Fam Muk Thiam, (flying back to Sacramento and his second surgery), Michael Phan (Kevin’s dad, brother of Andy & Kok Jun Phan who is having treatment in Malaysia), pregnant (Amadea Kristani and Margareth Hing), students and professionals who are studying and working from home.
3. COVID-19 pandemic: God’s wisdom and help to leaders and doctors in finding the treatments, world economic stability.