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May 24, 2020

May 24, 2020
Speaker: Rev. Andrew Lai
Topic: “We Need Jesus”

Speaker Rev. Andrew Lai
Worship Leader Erwin Widiarta  
Pianist Jennifer Chandra  
  Lavinia Harjono  
Slide Operator Aldo Kurnia & Edwin Angkasa
Sound System Randy Renandya
Care Ministry    
Indonesian Svc. Rev.Timotius Tjing  
3rd graders and upper
Kiki Rustam dan Jimmiy Lie
Teen Class Paul Tjam  

1. Prelude
2. Call To Worship
3. Congregational Singing: “Blessed Assurance” & “Praise Him Forever”
4. **Opening prayer
5. Congregational Singing: “God of Revival”
6. **Intercessory Prayer
7. Scriptural Reading: Colossians 1:15-20
8. Sermon: “We Need Jesus”
9. Offering Prayer
10. Offering Song: “Christ be Magnified”
11. Memory Verse: Job 12:9b – 10
12. Announcements
13. Doxology
14. Benediction
15. Congregational Response: “Amen, Amen”
16. Postlude
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends.


“That the hand of the Lord has done this, In whose hand is the life of every living thing, And the breath of all mankind?”                                                       Job 12:9b-10

Sunday        : Galatians 1 – 3 Thursday  : Proverbs 1
Monday       : Exodus 33 – 36 Friday      : Jeremiah 47 – 62
Tuesday      : 1 Kings 1 – 4 Saturday  : Luke 7 – 8
Wednesday : Psalm 63 – 65  

Fellowship Schedule
Date Fellowship Topik Speaker Place
May 27
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
Short Devotion Rev. Timotius Tjing
MC: Paul Tjam
Music: Rini Buntaran
Online / Zoom Conference
(in Indonesian)
Fri. Young Adult *check pemuda’s sosial media   Online / Zoom Conference

1. Welcome to our online streaming worship service. Please invite your family and friends to join us for worship and hearing God’s words.
2. Thank you for joining the online Sunday Service, Prayer Meeting, Young Adult Fellowship, and Bible Study Groups faithfully. Based on the news updates, we will extend the online service until May 31st.
3. We courage you read the Bible following the “Weekly Bible Reading” for your spiritual growth.
4. At this time you may give your offering in two ways:
a).  Write and send a check to: Indonesian Evangelical Church (respective church/treasurer address)
b). Transfer through Zelle (based on your membership):,,, or
**Please make note such as for: mission, tithe, building, thanksgiving, etc.
5. The new online streaming link for Sunday Service is Subscribe to IEC channel so that we know how many people are joining the services. You will be able to select Indonesian or English Service. Use this opportunity to invite family and friends join the services as well.
6. Please visit church website ( to see weekly bulletin or latest announcements. If you missed the Sunday service, you may check the recording at

Congratulations to the 2020 graduates. May the Lord Jesus Christ lead your future plan, either looking for a job or continuing your study:

Graduates from IEC San Jose:

Gabriela Octaviani (SJSU)                                      Jessica Atmadja (High School)
Fulbert Jong (SJSU)                                                Nathaniel Satriya (High School)
Andy Wirawan (SJSU)                                            Michael Nainggolan (Indiana University)
Mevani Gotama (UC Berkeley)                               Kenny Wilopo (Indiana University)
Vincenzio Y. Widjaja (UC Berkeley)                        Leon Kosasih (USC)
Stefan Prajogo (UC Davis)                                      Samantha Phan (Cal-Poly SLO) 

Graduates from IEC San Francisco:

Stephanie Richard (univ)                                           Annaka Widjanarko (high school)
Audrey Tjahjono (univ)                                              Abigail Widjanarko (high school)
Nathan Tjandra (univ)                                                Christopher Lunardi (high school)
Arthur Tjhoi (UC Berkeley)                                         Latisha Sumardy (college)
Beverly Tanada (UC Berkeley)                                  Sienny Angky (college)
Graciela Tedjokusumo (univ)


1. Thanksgiving: health, safety, and adequacy in our daily necessities, the 2020 graduates
2. Congregation: sick and in recovery: Mrs. Aan Juliana, Rev. Fam Muk Thiam, Michael Phan (Kevin’s dad, brother of Andy & Kok Jun Phan), and Daniel Atmadja. Pregnant: Amadea Kristani, Natalia Kusuma, and Veronica Teng. Those looking for a job.
3. Mission: ministry of missionaries Fina Linan (Burkina Faso), Dono & Karen Ostby (Indonesia). Budget and mission activities.
4. Governments: California, Indonesia, United States, and other countries in fighting the Covid-19, efforts in finding the vaccine, and programs to stabilize the economic situation.