August 9, 2020 | |
Speaker: | Rev. Stephen Hosea |
Topic: | “Dealing with Dark Times” |
Speaker | Rev. Stephen Hosea | |
Worship Leader | Erwin Widiarta | |
Musician | Cecylia Wati | |
Lavinia Harjono | ||
Slide Operator | Aldo Kurnia | |
Sound System | Fulbert Jong | |
Care Ministry | ||
Indonesian Svc. | Rev. Timotius Tjing | |
Toddler to 2nd graders |
Zoom meeting ID: 875 9298 4307 Pass Code: 018612 At 10.00AM Sharlene Sia, Yanny Prasetya, and Jennifer Lukanta |
3rd graders and upper classes | Hari Satriya & Liliana Brasali |
Teen Class | Bernard Huang | |
1. | Prelude |
2. | Call To Worship |
3. |
Congregational Singing: “Desert Song & The Blessing” |
4. | **Opening prayer |
5. | Scripture Reading: Psalms 88: 1 – 18 |
6. | **Intercessory Prayer |
7. | Congregational Singing: “The Blessing” |
8. | Sermon: “Dealing with Dark Times” |
9. | Offering Song: “It is Well with My Soul” |
10. | Offering Prayer |
11. | Memory Verse: Psalms 88: 1 – 2 |
12. | Announcements |
13. | Doxology |
14. | Benediction |
15. | Congregational Response: “Amen, Amen” |
16. | Postlude |
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends. *First week special offering is for Building Fund (SJ –> maintenance & future expansion) |
“O Lord, God of my salvation, I have cried out day and night before You. Let my prayer come before You; Incline Your ear to my cry. Psalms 88:1-2 |
Sunday : 1 Timothy 1 – 3 | Thursday : Proverbs 17 – 18 |
Monday : Numbers 1 – 4 | Friday : Daniel 7 – 12 |
Tuesday : 1 Chronicles 5 – 9 | Saturday : John 5- 6 |
Wednesday : Psalm 96 – 98 |
Fellowship Schedule | ||||
Date | Fellowship | Topik | Speaker | Place |
Wed. Aug 12 |
Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM |
Short Devotion | Rev. Stephen Hosea MC: Paul Tjam Music: Rini Buntaran |
Online / Zoom Conference (in Indonesian) |
Fri. Aug 14 |
Young Adult 8:00 PM |
“Gift in the Spirit” | *check pemuda’s sosial media for details |
Online / Zoom Conference |
1. |
Welcome to our online streaming worship service. Please invite your family and friends to join us for worship and hearing God’s words. |
2. |
Thank you for joining the online Sunday Service, Prayer Meeting, Young Adult Fellowship, and Bible Study groups faithfully during this shelter in place. We are still waiting news from the County regarding reopening of churches. Please check this announcement on website when it became available. |
3. |
As for giving an offering, you may use one of these two ways: a). Write and send a check to: Indonesian Evangelical Church (respective church/treasurer address) b). Transfer through Zelle (based on your membership):,, **Please make note such as for: mission, tithe, building, thanksgiving, etc. |
4. |
The online live streaming link for Sunday services is at You will be able to select Indonesian or English Service. |
5. |
Please visit church website ( to see weekly bulletin or other updates. |
6. |
There were 6 people heard the Gospel last July. If you have shared the Gospel to your family or friends, please let the deacons, pastor Stephen, pastor Timotius or pastor Fam know so that it will be totaled with other West Coast churches each month. |
8. |
IEC SF is in the process of purchasing a house across the Church with a price of $ 1,120,000.00 (to meet the needs of SS classes, Bible Study/Cell groups, etc). Currently there is a fund of $ 935,000.00 (including loan from IEC SJ & Synod). There is still in need of $ 200,000.00 now (included closing fees). The close of escrow is scheduled for August 17th. For congregation who would like to support this project, you may send it through Zelle or send a check to church with a note for “SF Building Fund”. Separately, for congregation who would like to support by loaning without interest to the Church, please contact SF treasurer Ismed Hartanto or Siu Poi Sie. The loan will be paid back within 2 years. Total offering received as of last week, July 26 is $ 36,350.00. Thank you for your support in prayer and funds toward this need. |
1. |
Activities & program: Prayer meeting, Yound adult fellowship, Sunday worship team practice, and BS/Small group meetings. Preparation for Church 35th anniversary on September 20th. |
2. |
Congregation: sick and in recovery: Mrs. Aan Juliana, Michael Phan (Kevin’s dad, brother of Andy & Kok Jun Phan), Daniel Atmadja, Myrna Huang, Tjing Soan Hong (Rev.Timotius’ sister). Those who are pregnant: Natalia Kusuma, Veronica Teng and Stefani Subiantoro. SS & teen that join online classes. |
3. |
Covid-19 pandemic: family or friends that affected (in hospital or isolation), lost their job or love one. Doctors, nurses and health workers. |
4. |
World: Beirut explosion – victims, their families, and government of Lebanon. |
5. |
Nations: Indonesia, United States, and others in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic. The leaders in the effort to stabilize their countries’ economic, politic and safety situation. |