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September 13, 2020

September 12, 2020
Speaker: Rev.Alvin Louie
Topic: “Finish Well”

Speaker Rev.Alvin Louie
Worship Leader Cecylia Wati
Musician Jennifer Chandra
Randy Renandya
Jessica Parhusip
Lavinia Harjono
Slide Operator Aldo Kurnia
Sound System Fulbert Jong
Care Ministry
Indonesian Svc. Rev.Timotius Tjing
Toddler to 2nd graders
Zoom Meeting ID: 875 9298 4307 
Passcode: 018612   At 10.00AM
Yanny Prasetya, Sharon Budijono, Erika Fataniah
3rd graders and upper classes
Linda Tan & Hari Satriya
Teen Classes Zoom Meeting ID: 815 9999 5448
Bernard Huang

1. Prelude
2. Call To Worship
3. Congregational Singing: “My Testimony”
4. **Opening prayer
5. Congregational Singing: “King of My Heart”
6. **Intercessory Prayer — after prayer, kids may go to their classes
7. Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 4:6-8
8. Sermon: “Finish Well”
9. **Offering Song: “Near the Cross”
10. Offering Prayer
11. Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 4:7
12. Announcements
13. Doxology
14. Benediction
15. Congregational Response: “Amen, Amen”
16. Postlude
**First week Special offering for Building Fund (maintenance & future expansion)

** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”                                             2 Timothy 4:7

Sunday        : Philemon 1 Thursday  : Proverbs 25
Monday       : Numbers 21 – 24 Friday      : Amos 5 – 9
Tuesday      : 2 Chronicles 1 – 5 Saturday  : John 19 – 21
Wednesday : Psalm 111 – 113

SJ Fellowship Schedule 
Date Fellowship Topik Speaker Place
Sep 16
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
Short Devotion Ev.Mariany Tjingg
MC: Rev.Timotius Tjing
Music: Mariany Tjing
Online / Zoom Conference
(in Indonesian)
Sep 18
Young Adult
8:00 PM
“Be Available” by Pemuda Leaders *check pemuda’s sosial media for details Online / Zoom Conference

1. Welcome to our online streaming worship service. Please invite your family and friends to join us for worship and hearing God’s words.
2. Thank you for joining the online Sunday Service, Prayer Meeting, Young Adult Fellowship, and Bible Study groups faithfully during this shelter in place. We are still waiting news from the County regarding reopening of churches. Please check this announcement on church website when it became available.
3. As for giving an offering, you may use one of these two ways:

a).  Write and send a check to: Indonesian Evangelical Church (respective church/treasurer address)

b). Transfer through Zelle (based on your membership):, or

**Please make note such as for: mission, tithe, building, thanksgiving, etc.

4. The online live streaming link for Sunday services is at 11AM (temporary). You will be able to select Indonesian or English Service. Visit church’s website at to see weekly bulletin or other updates.
5. The 35th Combined Anniversary Celebration of IEC SF & IEC SJ is next week, Sep 20th at 11AM. Please join this Thanksgiving Sunday Service (live streaming) and pray for the preparation.
6. The loan amount for purchasing a house for IEC SF is $ 524.000 (to meet the need of Sunday School classes, Bible study groups, etc). If you want support the repayment of this loan, you may send it through Zelle or a check to church with a note for “SF Building Fund”.  The offering received last week (Sep 6, SF & SJ) is $ 15,345.00, total received up-to-date is $ 18,900.00 Thank you for your support. May Jesus, the Head of the Church bless you.
7. There were 2 people (5 churches) heard the Gospel last August. If you share the Gospel to family or friends please let pastor Timotius or a deacon know so that we may total the number with other 4 (four) churches in the West Coast. The target this year is 7000 people hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

1. Programs: next week 35th anniversary, preparation for the reopening of church.
2. Congregation: sick and in recovery: Aan Juliana, Daniel Atmadja, Myrna Huang, Tjing Soan Hong (Rev.Timotius’ sister), and Djohan Widjaja. Those who are pregnant: Stefani Subiantoro and Jennifer Idris. Those looking for a job. Students (elem/middle/high school, college/university).
3. Covid-19 pandemic: family or friends affected (in hospital or self-isolation), or who lost their jobs or loved ones. Doctors, nurses and health care workers.
4. Missionaries: Fina Linan (her ministry & building of the Children Center in Burkina Faso), Dono & Karina Ostby (ministry to the Moslam in Center Java and surrounding).
5. Governments: California (wildfires, economic situation), Indonesia, United States, India, and others in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic and stabilizing the economy situation. US election in November and local leaders election in Indonesia in December.