February 14, 2021 | |
Speaker: | Rev.Alvin Louie |
Topic: | “The Witness – John the Baptist” (Part 2) |
Speaker | Rev.Alvin Louie | |
Worship Leader | Cecylia Wati | |
Musician | Stephen Trisno | |
Marlene Koesmadjadi | ||
Slide Operator | Fulber Jong | |
Sound System | Fulber Jong | |
Care Ministry | ||
Indonesian Svc. | Rev.Hengkie Tjahjadi | |
Toddler to 2nd graders |
Zoom Meeting ID: 875 9298 4307
Passcode: 018612 At 10:00 AM Yanny P, Sharon S, Erika Fatania
3rd & 4th grade Upper Elemen. | Zoom Meeting ID: 844 0882 8520 Liliana Brasali –> at 11AM |
5th to 8th grade Pre-teens | Zoom Meeting ID: 876 7660 2463 Hari Satriya –> at 11AM |
High School Teen | Zoom Meeting ID: 815 9999 5448 Bernard Huang –> at 11AM |
1. |
Prelude |
2. |
Call To Worship |
3. |
Congregational Singing: “Holy, Holy, Holy” |
4. |
**Opening prayer |
5. |
Congregational Singing: “God So Loved” |
6. |
**Intercessory Prayer–> kids may go to their classes after prayer |
7. |
Scripture Reading: John 1:5-8 & 14-18 |
8. | Sermon: “The Witness – John the Baptist” (Part 2) |
9. |
Offering Song: “What A Beautiful Name” |
10. | Offering Prayer |
11. |
Memory Verse: John 1:7 |
12. |
Announcements |
13. |
Doxology |
14. |
Benediction |
15. |
Congregational Response: “Amen, Amen” |
16. |
Postlude |
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends. |
“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” John 1:7 |
Sunday : Numbers 3:48 – 6:1 | Thursday : Numbers 13:5 – 15:11 |
Monday : Numbers 6:2 – 7:59 | Friday : Numbers 15:12 – 17:5 |
Tuesday : Numbers 7:60 – 10:6 | Saturday : Numbers 17:6 – 20:23 |
Wednesday : Numbers 10:7 – 13:4 |
SJ Fellowship Schedule | ||||
Date | Fellowship | Topik | Speaker | Place |
Wed. Feb 17 |
Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM |
Short Message | Mariany Tjing MC: Paul Tjam Music: Rini Buntaran |
Online / Zoom meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/125191919 |
Fri. Feb 19 |
Young Adult 8:00 PM |
Biblical Grey Areas | Rev.Timotius Tjing | https://tinyurl.com/Pemuda-SJC |
1. |
Welcome to our Sunday service online / live streaming. If you are first time joining us, welcome! Hope you will join us again next week. Please invite your family and friends to join our Sunday service or fellowship so that they may hear the word of God and be blessed. |
2. |
Thank you pastor, worship team, and teachers for your ministry today. Let continue our ministry throughout this uncertainty and difficult time. Support each other and church programs in prayer. |
3. |
The Santa Clara County has issued another decision that not allow churches to have an indoors worship service. Therefore, we will reschedule the church opening until further notice. Let continue praying that the covid-19 situation better so that we may come back to church soon. |
4. |
As for giving, you may use one of these ways: a). Write and send a check to church or deacon (treasurer) address. b). Transfer through Zelle: sjc.gift@gii-usa.org, sfo.gift@gii-usa.org or sac.gift@gii-usa.org. **Please make note such as for: mission, tithe, building, thanksgiving, etc. |
5. |
This year’s Mission Month will be in March instead of February and the Mission Conference will be on March 20 at 4pm and March 21 at 11am. The theme is “An Open Door” (Acts 14:27 & Colossians 4:3). The speakers are Rev.Lawrence Fung (General Director of Go International) and Rev.Johnny Wang (Former General Director of Chinese Christian Mission). The Mission Budget is $ 114,000.00 and target of 7000 people hear the gospel remind the same as last year. Please pray for this event and join the conference to broaden your mission heart and vision. |
6. |
The East & South Bay combined fellowship will be on Feb 20th at 5pm through Zoom at http://bit.ly/iecebfsbf Join us and invite your family and friend to this fellowship. |
7. |
There were 3 people heard the gospel last January. If you share the Gospel to family or friends, please let Rev.Timotius know so it will be totaled with other churches monthly. |
8. | Mission Budget for 2020-2021:
Total budget per-month = $ 9,500.00 |
9. |
If you want to pay-off your 2020/2021 mission pledge, you may do so by end of February. Starting March is the budget for 2021-2022. Thank you for your mission fund support. |
10. |
The loan amount for purchasing a house for IEC SF is $ 524.000 (to meet the need of Sunday School classes, Bible study groups, etc). If you want support the repayment of this loan, you may send it through Zelle or a check to church with a note for “SF Building Fund”. The offering received last week (SJ & SF) is $ 7,750.00. Total received up-to-date is $ 83,356.85 Thank you for your support. May Jesus, the Head of the Church bless you. |
11. |
If you need prayer support or want to have a short video sharing (only be shown during live stream, will not be recorded on youtube), please contact Maria Joana at joanamaria@gmail.com. |
12. |
There will be a weekly after service chat. Join us at https://tinyurl.com/iec-es-chat and get together with brothers and sisters for a short fellowship/discussion. |
1. |
Program: combined EBF & SBF, mission month & conference, Good Friday and Easter service. |
2. |
Congregation: sick and in recovery: Aan Juliana, Myrna Huang, Emma Teonadi (daughter of Fransisca & Hidayat), Rev.Moses Yang. Those are looking for a job. Those in struggles. |
3. |
Covid-19 pandemic: family or friends affected (in hospital or self-isolation), those who lost their jobs or loved ones. Doctors, nurses and health care workers. The availability and effectiveness of the vaccine. |
4. |
Governments: California, Indonesia, United States, and others in fighting the Covid-19. |