March 7, 2021 | |
Speaker: | Rev. Brian Leong |
Topic: | “The End of Nothing” |
Speaker | Rev. Brian Leong | |
Worship Leader | Danny Chen | |
Musician | Cecylia Wati | |
Marlene Koesmadjadi | ||
Priscilla Christie | ||
Slide Operator | Martin Atmadja & Edwin Angkasa | |
Sound System | Bryan Sugiarto | |
Care Ministry | Christine Chiu | |
Indonesian Svc. | Rev. Timotius Tjing | |
Toddler to 2nd graders |
Zoom Meeting ID: 875 9298 4307
Passcode: 018612 At 10:00 AM Kiki R, Irene L, Erika Fataniah
3rd & 4th grade Upper Elemen. | Zoom Meeting ID: 844 0882 8520 Hari Rediawan –> at 10:00 AM |
5th to 8th grade Pre-teens | Zoom Meeting ID: 876 7660 2463 Jimmy Lie –> at 10:00 AM |
High School Teen | Zoom Meeting ID: 815 9999 5448 Jacky Wong –> at 10:00 AM |
1. | Prelude |
2. | Call To Worship |
3. | Congregational Singing: “Is He Worthy” |
4. | **Opening prayer |
5. | Congregational Singing: “Only A Holy God” |
6. | **Intercessory Prayer–> kids may go to their classes after prayer |
7. | Joyful Noise & Mission Video Clips —> kids may go to their classes after prayer |
8. | Scripture Reading: Acts 14:21-28 |
9. | Sermon: “The End of Nothing” |
10. | Congregational Response: “People Need the Lord” |
11. | Offering Song: “The Blessing” |
12. | Offering Prayer —> special offering for Building (maintenance) Fund |
13. | Memory Verse: Acts 14:21b-22 |
14. | Announcements |
15. | Doxology |
16. | Benediction |
17. | Congregational Response: “Amen, Amen” |
18. | Postlude |
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends. |
“Then they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch, strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, “We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God.”
Acts 14:21b-22 |
Sunday : Deuteronomy 23:25 – 27:24 | Thursday : Joshua 1:14 – 5:15 |
Monday : Deuteronomy 27:25 – 29:15 | Friday : Joshua 6:1 – 8:32 |
Tuesday : Deuteronomy 29:16 – 32:21 | Saturday : Joshua 8:33 – 11:12 |
Wednesday : Deuteronomy 32:22 – Joshua 1:13 |
SJ Fellowship Schedule | ||||
Date | Fellowship | Topik | Speaker | Place |
Wed. Mar 10 |
Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM |
Short Message | Ev. Mariany Tjing MC: Timotius Tjing Music: Mariany Tjing |
Online / Zoom meeting |
Fri. Mar 12 |
Young Adult 7:30 PM |
“Seeking Shalom for the City” (combined with SF) | Rev. Brian Leong | |
1. | Welcome to our Sunday service online / live streaming. If you are first time joining us, welcome! Hope you will join us again next week. Please invite your family and friends to join our Sunday service or fellowship so that they may hear the word of God and be blessed. |
2. | Thank you pastor, worship team, and SS teachers for your ministry today. Brothers and sisters in supporting church’s programs in prayer. |
3. | Thank God that today we may come back to church for Sunday service. Hope other brothers and sisters will join us next week. SS classes, prayer & young adult meeting will continue through Zoom. |
4. | As for giving, you may use one of these ways:
a). Drop it in the offering box provided at church b). Send check to church c). Transfer through Zelle: or for Sacramento members **Please make note such as for: mission, tithe, building, thanksgiving, etc. |
5. | The Mission Conference will be on March 20 at 4pm at IEC SF and March 21 at 10am. The theme is “An Open Door” (Acts 14:27 & Colossians 4:3). The speakers are Rev.Lawrence Fung (General Director of Go International) and Rev.Johnny Wang (Former General Director of Chinese Christian Mission). The Mission Budget is $ 114,000.00 and target of 7000 people to hear the gospel remain the same as last year. Please pray for this event and join the conference to broaden your mission heart and vision. |
6. | Our condolence to Carolina Chuciardi, Rosalina Chuciardi, Cezia Yohanes, and Francine Fanggara on the passing of their dad and grandpa, Tjoe Wee Ming (73 years) on March 2nd in Surabaya, Indonesia. May the Lord Jesus comfort and strengthen Mrs.Tjoe and the whole family in this sad time. |
7. | Children Ministry is in need of Toddler-PreK-K teachers for the month of March and April. If you want to help, please contact Seni at or Irene at Thank you. |
8. | Mission Budget for 2021-2022:
Total budget per-month = $ 9,500.00 Total budget per-year = $ 114,000.00 Thank you for your last year support. May God bless your offering. |
9. | There will be a Holy Communion next week, March 14. Please prepare yourselves to take part in the communion. If you will join it from home, please prepare your own bread/cracker and grape juice. |
10. | If you need prayer support or want to have a short video sharing (only be shown during live stream, will not be recorded on youtube), please contact Maria Joana at |
11. | Please join us for a short after-service fellowship/discussion with our brothers and sisters at |
1. | Mission conference: the programs, speakers, choir, sharing, congregation, and 2021-2022 budget. |
2. | Congregation: sick and in recovery: Aan Juliana, Myrna Huang, Rev.Moses Yang. Those are looking for a job. Families with babies and small kids. Senior members |
3. | Covid-19 pandemic: family or friends affected (in hospital or self-isolation), those who lost their jobs or loved ones. Doctors, nurses and health care workers. The availability and effectiveness of the vaccine. |
4. | Missionaries: Fina Linan (Burkina Faso), Dana & Karina Ostby (Indonesia). |
5. | Nations: Indonesia, United States, and others in fighting the Covid-19. New US government under the leadership of president Biden, and Indonesia under president Jokowi. |