April 18, 2021 | |
Speaker: | Rev. Alvin Louie |
Topic: | “The First Sign: The Changing of Water to Wine” |
Speaker | Rev. Alvin Louie | |
Worship Leader | Erwin Widiarta | |
Musician | Iman Frans | |
Slide Operator | Fulbert Jong & Alvin Wijaya | |
Sound System | Fulbert Jong | |
Care Ministry | Anson Tjing | |
Indonesian Svc. | Rev. Hengkie Tjahyadi | |
Toddler to 2nd graders |
Zoom Meeting ID: 875 9298 4307
Password: 018612 at 9:30 AM Kiki R, Mariana O, Shirly E
3rd & 4th grade Upper Elemen. | Zoom Meeting ID: 844 0882 8520 Linda Tan |
5th to 8th grade Pre-teens | Zoom Meeting ID: 876 7660 2463 Cecylia Wati |
High School Teen | Zoom Meeting ID: 815 9999 5448 Jennifer Prajudha |
Refreshments | Rev. Timotius Tjing & Ev. Mariany Tjing | |
1. |
Prelude |
2. |
Call To Worship |
3. |
Congregational Singing: “Great Are You Lord” |
4. |
**Opening prayer |
5. |
Congregational Singing: “Our God” |
6. |
**Intercessory Prayer à children may go to your classes |
7. |
Scripture Reading: John 2:1 – 11 |
8. |
Congregational Singing “New Wine” |
9. |
Sermon: “The First Sign: The Changing of Water to Wine” |
10. |
Offering Song: “Christ Be Magnified” |
11. |
Offering Prayer |
12. |
Memory Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17 |
13. |
Announcements |
14. |
Doxology |
15. |
Benediction |
16. |
Congregational Response: “Amen, Amen” |
17. |
Postlude |
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends. |
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV |
Sunday : 1 Kings 10:16 – 12:28 | Thursday : 1 Kings 20:27 – 22:39 |
Monday : 1 Kings 12:29 – 15:15 | Friday : 1 Kings 22:40 – 2 Kings 4:1 |
Tuesday : 1 Kings 15:16 – 18:8 | Saturday : 2 Kings 4:2 – 6:15 |
Wednesday : 1 Kings 18:9 – 20:26 |
SJ Fellowship Schedule | ||||
Date | Fellowship | Topik | Speaker | Place |
Wed. Apr. 21 |
Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM |
Short Message | Ev. Mariany Tjing MC: Rev. Timotius Tjing Music: Ev. Mariany Tjing |
Online / Zoom meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/125191919 |
Fri. Apr 23 |
Young Adult 7:30 PM |
“Why don’t we pray?” | Rev. Timotius Tjing | https://tinyurl.com/Pemuda-SJC |
1. |
Welcome to our Sunday service online / live streaming. If you are first time joining us, welcome! Hope you will join us again next week. Please invite your family and friends to join our Sunday service or fellowship so that they may hear the word of God and be blessed. |
2. |
Thank you, pastors, worship team, and SS teachers for your ministry today. Brothers and sisters in supporting church’s program in prayer. |
3. |
As for giving, you may use one of these ways: a). Drop it in the offering box provided at church b). Send check to church c). Transfer through Zelle: sjc.gift@gii-usa.org or sac.gift@gii-usa.org for Sacramento members **Please make note such as for: mission, tithe, building, thanksgiving, etc. |
4. |
For those who would like to provide refreshment food for our church weekly Sunday service, please contact Jenny Tan or Jujun Phan. Food will be pre-packed in boxes or plastic bags and distributed to church attendees at the exit doors. Please consume it outside the church building or in the cars. Thank you for your support. |
5. |
Please cooperate and follow the pandemic protocol. Besides wearing a mask, please keep your distance and do not eat or drink in church. Also please do not chat inside the building after the service. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. |
6. |
The deacons plan to start all activities back to the church in June (prayer meeting, youth fellowship and others). The details (Sunday school class, building capacity, etc.) will be announced in May. Please pray for this plan. |
7. |
There were 2 people who heard the Gospel last March. If you share the Gospel, please let pastor Timotius know so that we may total the number each month. |
1. |
Programs: Mother’s Day, Father’s Day Celebration, the plan to start all activities back to the church, mission trip to Indonesia. |
2. |
Congregation: those who are sick and in recovery (Myrna Huang, Rev.Moses Yang), those looking for a job, who have struggles in their life. |
3. |
Covid-19 pandemic: family or friends affected (in hospital or self-isolation), those who lost their jobs or loved ones. Doctors, nurses and health care workers. The availability and effectiveness of the vaccine. |
4. |
Countries: Indonesia, United States, and others in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Indonesia: recovery after floods and typhoons in several areas, and overcome terrorist attacks. US: maintaining safety (attacks towards Asian community, domestic and foreign affairs for the peace of its citizen). |