• Here I Am, Lord. Send Me!

    Good Friday/Easter is the central event in Christian faith. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the gospel of salvation. The good news is to be believed. The question is how can people believe what they never hear? And, how can people hear if nobody tells them? And, how...

  • Ciri Ciri orang Kristen yang bertumbuh

    By. Pdt. Muk Fam Surat  Filipi adalah surat ditulis oleh Paulus didalam penjara kepada jemaat  di Filipi . Surat ini  bersifat sangat pribadi yang dimana kita bisa baca keakraban hubungan Paulus dengan orang percaya di jemaat Filipi. Dalam surat ini kita bisa lihat Paulus banyak mengutarakan kehidupan kerohanian dia dan...

  • Reflections of Good Friday and Easter

    This is a special month for Christians because of the Good Friday and the Easter. These two events are the core events of Christian faith. The death of Jesus Christ on the cross is at the heart of the gospel. If Jesus did not die, there would be no forgiveness of sins...

  • Kebangkitan Kristus

    By: Rev. Kristianto Hosea Menjelang Paskah tahun ini kita sungguh mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada Tuhan yang sangat mengasihi kepada kita orang berdosa ini. Ia datang ke dalam dunia ini untuk mati oleh karena dosa-dosa kita. Ia mati di atas kayu salib dan hari ketiga Ia bangkit dari kematian. Rasul...

  • Happy Chinese New Year 2018

    by Reverend Wilson Suwanto   Wearing new clothes is one of many customs of Chinese New Year celebration. It marks the passing of the old year and the coming of the new one. There is hope and optimism that better days lie ahead in the new year.   Christians believe...

  • The Holiness of God

    Most people enjoy hearing sermons about the love of God; but very few care to hear about the holiness of God. Some find the subject of God’s holiness daunting. One pictures God as the ultimate judge who finds the flaws and hidden sins in every person. As a result, many...

  • ♫ … and A Happy New Year! ♫

      The celebrations, trumpets, and parties can be heard as the world ushers the new year. It is 2018 now. As people welcome this new year with optimism and new hope, there are those who don’t see the new year as something to be excited about. Those who lie on...

  • Worry Free, Fear Free and Content Godly Life

      By Gamas Chang Several years ago my contract employment job was terminated prematurely. It was supposed to be a three year contract but it was terminated only after 1.5 years instead. My family and I immediately prayed about this situation and asked for God’s help and providence. As weeks...

  • The Meaning of Christmas

      It’s December, and Christmas is here. Christmas surpasses all other holidays in popularity and excitement. All kinds of activities, events, and traditions throw themselves into this one biggest event of the year. While the whole world knows Christmas, they don’t necessarily know Christ. Isn’t that ironic? Christ is there...

  • You Can Know the Christ of Christmas

    By: Billy Graham Once again the world celebrates Christmas. People fervently pray that the Spirit of Christmas will pervade the entire world. In many parts of the world Christmas carolers will stand outside their neighbors’ doors and sing “Silent Night! Holy Night!” Everyone is busily preparing for the holiday season....