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2020 IEC Theme – Rooted and Built up in Him

2020 Theme
Rooted and Built up in Him
Colossians 2:7

Happy New Year!
The Indonesian Evangelical Church’s selected theme for 2020 is taken from Colossians 2:7: “rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing in thankfulness.”

In looking at the situation that Apostle was facing, it can be distressing from the 21st century readers perspective. Paul has been arrested, he is awaiting trial while imprisoned by the Roman Empire. Paul will be imprisoned for 2 years because of the false charges of causing revolt and instability against the Roman Empire, along with other sham charges. While awaiting trial he receives information about the potential heretical (an idea or thought that was contrary to correct doctrine and beliefs) ideas that has entered the Church in Colossae. Cause for alarm, of course!

The heretics believed that God was too far from human beings, anyone that wanted to be faithful needed angels or spiritual beings to communicate with God. And that was only if you were pure and free from sin.

Those espousing the Colossian Heresy also espoused that you needed to live like a Jew and abide by the Jewish diet to be a person of faith. Eating only “clean foods”, avoid eating or touching pork, shrimp, and other “unclean” things. Doing things that were considered “clean” within Judaism.

Those who know the Word of God, would tell you that no matter who you are, it is Christ alone. Does not matter what you eat, there is no such thing as clean or unclean food. It is the gift of faith that is the determinate for your fellowship with Christ.

Col. 3:11 “Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.”

Heretical teachings isn’t isolated to the first century, there have been heretical ideas throughout history, even today. Thus the question is how is the person of faith going to combat the many heretical and crazy ideas that swirl around us today and the future?

Dig deeper into God’s Truth.

It speaks about rooted and built up in verse 7. This is an agricultural analogy.

Many years ago, we had these bushes in the front of our house, we wanted to get rid of these bushes and plant roses. So I dig and I dig to remove the bushes. I dig about 2 feet, and there is the main body of the bushes, but I cannot pull the bushes out. Because the roots of the bushes have spread so deep into the earth, that no matter how much I am pulling, the body or the shank of the bushes, will not budge. It is because the roots are acting like fingers grabbing onto the earth, and literally saying “I ain’t letting go!”

That is what God is telling us to do. Dig deeper into the word of God. When the faithful dig deeper into God’s Word, Fellowship, Worship, Prayer, no matter the storms of life or the heretical ideas that will blow against us, the faithful who dig deep, will not be shaken! Because our roots are so strongly and firmly entrenched in Him, nothing will cause us to be lost!

So as the world espouses strange and heretical ideas, no matter big or small the differences may be, the best weapon against it is always in God.

Pastor Steve Lee