Starting a different life with a new heart and spirit

In the beginning, human life began, decorated, and blessed with beauty, goodness, and glory (Genesis 1). The desire to have a life beyond blessed satisfaction given by the Creator is fatal to the entire life order of the human race. It can be concluded that because of the rebellion against...

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House of Prayer

God’s house of prayer is a global body doing a global mission. My house will be called a house of prayer. MATTHEW 21:13 As Jesus is invalided the money-changing tables in the Temple, He quotes Isaiah 56:7, a verse from a passage about Sabbath-keeping and God’s global mission–“a house of...

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Worry Free, Fear Free and Content Godly Life

  By Gamas Chang Several years ago my contract employment job was terminated prematurely. It was supposed to be a three year contract but it was terminated only after 1.5 years instead. My family and I immediately prayed about this situation and asked for God’s help and providence. As weeks...

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The Fear of the Lord

By: Pastor Wilson Suwanto Psalm 19:9 ~ “The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever” The force of nature like tsunami, typhoon, hurricane, earthquake, can be frightening, and we are all afraid of them. We pray and hope that they never strike us. Just imagine the destruction they cause,...

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Besar Imanmu

By: Rev. Wilson Suwanto “Besar Imanmu.” Itulah perkataan yang Yesus ucapkan kepada seorang perempuan non-Yahudi. Sebelumnya, Yesus mengucapkan perkataan yang seolah-olah “memojokkan” perempuan itu (untuk lengkapnya silahkan baca Matius 15:21-28). Tetapi dia tidak putus asa dan tetap memohon Yesus untuk menyembuhkan anak perempuannya. Sikap demikian membuat Yesus takjub dan memuji iman...

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