Still fresh in our minds millions of people across the United States expected a long march against the violence of Stoneman Douglas High School weapons on Saturday with students. We know this long march as a “March for Our Lives” protest. What is expected on this long March 24, 2018? they were fighting for the values and dignity of human life increasingly cheap and decreased. This means millennial history is characterized by the obfuscation of “Life is a gift from God,” and the annihilation of the essential root that life of human life is from Breath of God (Genesis 2:7; Job 34:14-15).
Millennial history carries a sad history of civilization regarding the value and dignity of human lives. the life boundaries set by God are ravaged in the name of freedom and human rights slogans (abortion, euthanasia, and the treatment of children, the disabled, and the elderly … war … sexually oriented disorders, etc). We have to get up … and do a long March for lives!! As believers, we need to hear the voice of Christ, “I have come to give you life and you have that life in abundance” (John 10:10). When you are weary and tired, come to Me and receive peace (Matthew 11:28).
Emil A Zheng