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February 13, 2022

Speaker Rev. Alvin Louie
Worship Leader Maria Joana
Musician Stephen Trisno, Regita Soetandar, Randy Renandya, Hari Rediawan
Slide Operator Bryan Sugiarto & Alvin Wijaya
Sound System Fulbert Jong
Care Ministry Jeh Lin
Indonesian Svc. Rev. John Chiang  
PreK-K grader
Silvi Tan & Ronald Kurnia
1st & 2nd  grade Lower Elemen. Seniwati Hung, Sephia Laurencia  
3rd to 4th grade Upper Elemen. Liliana Brasali  
5th to 8th grade Pre-teens Chris Rustam  
High School Teens Sharon Budijono  
1. Prelude
2. Call to Worship
3. Congregational Singing: “Holy is The Lord”
4. **Opening prayer
5. Congregational Singing: Jesus”
6. **Intercessory Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer (Sunday School children can go to their classes)
7. Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 4:1-5 NASB
8. Congregational Singing: “Go Forth and Tell”
9. Mission Video: The ministry of Rev. William Tjondrosiswoyo in Palu, Sulawesi
10. Sermon: “Be Ready In Season and Out of Season”
11. Holy Communion: “Near the Cross”
12. Offering Song: “Grace Alone”
13. Offering Prayer
14. Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 4:2 NASB
15. Announcements
16. Doxology
17. Benediction
18. Congregational Response: “Amen, Amen”
19. Postlude
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends.

“preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and exhort, with great patience and instruction.”

2 Timothy 4:2 NASB

Sunday        : Numbers 1:51 – 3:47 Thursday : Numbers 10:7 – 13:4
Monday       : Numbers 3:48 – 6:1 Friday      : Numbers 13:5 – 15:11
Tuesday      : Numbers 6:2 – 7:59 Saturday  : Numbers 15:12 – 17:5
Wednesday : Numbers 7:60 – 10:6  

SJ Fellowship Schedule 
Date Fellowship Topik Speaker Place

Feb 16

Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
Short Message Rev. Timotius Tjing

MC: Yungkie Hing

Musik: Rini Lie

191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112

Feb 18

Young Adult

7:45 pm

In Season or Out of Season Rev. David Bawks Church
191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112

1. Welcome to our Sunday service. If you are first time joining us, welcome! Hope you will join us again next week. Please invite your family and friends to join our Sunday service or fellowship so that they may hear the word of God and be blessed.
2. As for giving, you may use one of these ways:

a).  Drop it in the offering box provided at church

b).  Transfer through Zelle: “Christian Evangelical Mission in America”

c). Matching donation through Benevity to: “Christian Evangelical Mission in America” with ID: 840-B_5B4VY7JHMZ

**Please make note such as for: mission, tithe, building, thanksgiving, etc.

3. The theme of 2022 Mission month is “In Season or Out of Season” (2 Timothy 4:2). Rev. David Bawks (who formerly had mission ministry in Kenya) will preach in Pemuda on Feb 18th. Rev. Jason Adams-Brown (who formerly had mission ministry in Indonesia & Singapore) will preach in ES on Feb 20th. The Mission conference will be held in IEC SF on Feb. 26th at 4:00 p.m. and there will be a special mission program for children led by Susanti Kee. And on Feb. 27th at 10:00 a.m. in IEC SJ (combined IS & ES), the speaker will be Rev. Robert McCroskey (formerly served in mission field in Indonesia) from Oklahoma. Mission committee has prepared invitation cards for you to invite friends and family to attend. Please get them at the welcoming table.
4. Mission Budget 2022 – 2023:

  • Mission churches in Sacramento, San Diego, Budapest (Hungary), Milan (Italy),

            Cape Town (South Africa)                                                                                                   = $ 1,915.00

  • Mission for Indonesia (Mitra Pelayanan Tuhan, Banjarmasin, STT Pelita Dunia, Dana Ostby,

           Mission trip to Indonesia & 2 ministers & an orphanage di Timor,

           1 pastor & family in Palu Sulawesi)                                                                                     = $ 3,750.00

  • Local Mission (Homeless ministry, Local mission trip, Chinese Minority, EE Training,

           Mission organizations in Bay Area, Senior Center, Thanksgiving Outreach,

           Evangelistic Meeting and Training, Student MInistry Outreach, Harvest Carnival,

           Outreach care ministry, etc)                                                                                                = $ 2,950.00

  • Missionary Fund: Fina Linan (Africa) = $ 1,800.00

Total per month = $10,415.00

Total per year = $ 125,000.00.

5. For those who want to donate books to the library, please put on hold temporarily until the process of cataloging is competed by the library committee. If you want to borrow books, please contact Christine Chiu.
6. For those who want to sign up for refreshments for Sundays or Wednesday Prayer meetings, please fill in the form posted on the bulletin board near the kitchen or contact Yuna Tjoe or Linda Tan for Sundays or Yungkie Hing for Prayer meetings.
7. If you have not received the tax-deductible receipt (sent via email) for your 2021 offering, please contact the church treasurer at
8. Congratulations to Bertha Santoso & Michael Comstock for the birth of their 3rd daughter, Lily Olivia Comstock on January 21. May the Lord bless Lily’s health and Bertha’s recovery.
9. Sunday refreshment will be resumed today, Feb 13. It will be distributed in front of the library. Please get it and consume the food outside and discard the packaging in the blue dumpster at the parking lot.
10. Please follow the health protocols while in church, namely: wearing masks, maintaining distance, and reducing gathering time inside the building, especially after the service.

1. Ministry: church ministers, deacons, committees, Sunday School teachers, Bible study groups, worship teams, and choirs.
2. Congregation: sick and in recovery (Nicholas Lu, Gen Hung), those who are in isolation at home, students, professionals, and senior church members.
3. Mission: mission conference, budget and target. Missionary Fina Linan, Dono & Karina Ostby.
4. Country: Indonesia and U.S. (working together for the welfare of the people of both nations).