Indonesian Service: Sunday 10 am, Address: 191 East Gish Rd, San Jose, CA 95112 (map). Contact person : Pdt. Timotius Tjing , 510-972-0473, 408-634-9875 Email: |
English Service Sunday 10 am, Address: 191 East Gish Rd, San Jose, CA 95112 (map) Parking: church, Bayshore Auto Tech, and Uplift Family Services |
Children Ministry (Nursery to High School) Sunday 10 am, Address: 191 East Gish Rd, San Jose, CA 95112(map) Classes: on 2nd floor |
Young Adults Fellowship Friday 7.30 pm, Address: 191 East Gish Rd, San Jose, CA 95112 (map) Parking: church and Uplift Family Services |
Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7 pm, Address: di 191 East Gish Rd, San Jose, CA 95112 (map) |
East & South Bay Fellowship 2nd & 3rd Saturday 4:30 PM Place: Member’s residence Contact: Rev.Timotius Tjing at 408-634-9875/ 510-972-0473 |