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May 1, 2022

May 1, 2022
Speaker: Glenn Sebastian
Topic: “Rest for the Weary”

Speaker Glenn Sebastian
Worship Leader Erwin Widiarta
Musician Dave Nicholas, Regita Soetandar
Slide Operator Jonathan Lie
Sound System Jonathan Lie
Care Ministry Christine Chiu
Indonesian Svc. Rev.Timotius Tjing  
PreK-K grader
Jennifer Lukanta & Russell Johanes
1st & 2nd  grade Lower Elemen.
Nadya Yobeanto, Lisa Hung, Caleigh Gunawan
3rd to 4th grade Upper Elemen. Maria Joana  
5th to 8th grade Pre-teens Hari Satriya  
High School Teens Join ES  
Refreshments Tommy & Ling Ling Tay  
1. Prelude
2. Call to Worship
3. Congregational Singing: “10,000 Reasons”
4. **Opening prayer
5. Congregational Singing: “Same God
6. **Intercessory Prayer (Sunday School children can go to their classes)
7. Scripture Reading: Isaiah 61:1-2a
8. Congregational Singing: “Still”
9. Sermon: “Rest for the Weary”
10. Offering Song: “Yes and Amen”
11. Offering Prayer
12. Memory Verse: Exodus 33:14
13. Announcements
14. Doxology
15. Benediction
16. Congregational Response: “Amen, Amen”
17. Postlude
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends.

The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Exodus 33:14

Sunday        : 2 Kings 23:35 – 1 Chronicles 1:32 Thursday : 1 Chronicles 7:5 – 9:9
Monday       : 1 Chronicles 1:33 – 3:8 Friday      : 1 Chronicles 9:10 – 11:36
Tuesday      : 1 Chronicles 3:9 – 5:26 Saturday  : 1 Chronicles 11:37 – 15:3
Wednesday : 1 Chronicles 6:1 – 7:4  

SJ Fellowship Schedule 
Date Fellowship Topik Speaker Place

May 4

Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
Short Message Ev.Mariany Tjing

MC: Paul Tjam

Musik: Rini Buntaran

191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112

May 6

Young Adult

7:45 pm

Inductive Bible Study Pemuda Leaders Church
191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112

1. Welcome to our Sunday service. If you are first time joining us, welcome! Hope you will join us again next week. Please invite your family and friends to join our Sunday service or fellowship so that they may hear the word of God and be blessed.
2. Next week, May 8th is a combined service for celebrating Mother’s Day. The Holy Communion for this month will be on May 15th.
3. Men’s Fellowship will be held on May 7th at 10:30 am at the residence of Chris Rustam. For those who want to join the fellowship, please contact Chris Rustam, Alvin Wijaya, or Hansel Chong. Lunch will be provided for those who register.
4. East Bay fellowship will be held on May 14th at 5:00 pm at the residence of Jujun & Kok Jun Phan family. For those who live in East Bay area, please come and join the fellowship.
5. South Bay fellowship will be held on May 21st at 5:00 pm at the residence of Rini & Jimmy Lie family. For those who live in South Bay area, please come and join the fellowship.
6. Evangelism training using Evangelical Explosion method (in English) will be held on May 14th at IEC San Jose from 10.00am to 5.00pm. And on Sunday, May 15th at IEC San Francisco from 12.30pm to 3.00pm. Please register with Erwin Widiarta or Regita Soetandar.
7. The mission trip to Indonesia is on July 20-24 to Kupang, Naibonat, Soe, and Rote Island. The activities are evangelism to primary, middle, and high schools’ children, adult evangelism, puppet show, video, and church leaders training. Cost per person is Rp. 5.5 million (Jakarta-Kupang air ticket, ferry, ground transportation, food, and accommodation). Air ticket price will change after deadline. Registration deadline is on May 10th. The maximum number of participants are 20 people. For registration and information please contact: Rev. Stephen Hosea (415-309-5661), Erwin Widiarta (408-768-4895), Diana Iskandar (510-589-8503).
8. The study tour to Israel will be from Sunday, October 23rd to Saturday, November 5th. For further information, please contact Clara Iskandar or Andy Pansawira.

1. Programs: Mother’s Day celebration, evangelism training, mission trip to Indonesia, church 37th anniversary, study tour to Israel.
2. Congregation: sick or in recovery (Nicholas Lu, Gen Hung, Herman Yudi’s mother), growing faith & ministry.
3. World: fighting against Covid-19, the war situation between Russia and Ukraine, conflicts between countries in the Middle East.
4. Government: California, Indonesia, USA (economic stability, politics, and security).