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August 14, 2022

August 14, 2022
Speaker: Ev. Michael Chao
Topic: Applying Mercy

Speaker Ev. Michael Chao
Worship Leader Jennifer Chandra
Musician Nicholas Dave & Marlene Koesma
Usher Jeh Lin & Angela
Holy Communion Jimmy Lie & Shirly Effendi
Slide Operator Bryan Sugiarto & Jonathan Lie
Sound System Rina Josephine
Indonesan Svc. Rev. David Theonugraha Chu
Evelyn Tan
PreK-K grader
Silvi Tan & Ronald Karunia
1st to 3rd grade Lower Elemen. Seniwati Hung
4th & 5th grade Upper Elemen. Liliana Brasali
Middle School Teen Chris Rustam
High School Teen Alvin Wijaya
Refreshment Effendy & Helen Kumala
1. Prelude
2. Call to Worship
3. Congregational Singing: “Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)”
4. **Opening prayer
5. Congregational Singing: “Christ is Magnified”
6. **Intercessory Prayer and closed with the Lord’s Prayer (Sunday School children can go to their classes)
7. Scripture Reading: Luke 6: 27 – 30
8. Congregational Singing: “Build My Life”
9. Sermon: “Applying Mercy
10. Holy Communion: “I Gave My Life”
11. Offering Song: “Grace Alone”
12. Offering Prayer
13. Memory Verse: Luke 6:31
14. Announcement
15. Sunday School Children’s Graduation Ceremony
16. Doxology
17. Benediction
18. Congregational Response: “Amen, Amen”
19. Postlude
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends.

“And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.

Luke 6:31

Sunday        : Jeremiah 7:6 – 10:8 Thursday : Jeremiaha 22:11 – 25:15
Monday       : Jeremiah 10:9 – 14:1 Friday      : Jeremiah 25:16 – 28:16
Tuesday      : Jeremiah 14:2 – 17:22 Saturday  : Jeremiah 28:17 – 31:28
Wednesday : Jeremiah 17:23 – 22:10

SJ Fellowship Schedule 
Date Fellowship Topik Speaker Place

Aug 17

Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
Short Message Paul Tjam

MC: Fei Fei Gono

Musik: Rini S. Lie

191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112

Aug 19

Young Adult

7:45 pm

Outreach Night Pemuda Leaders Church
191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112

1. Welcome to our Sunday service. If you are first time joining us, welcome! Hope you will join us again next week. Please invite your family and friends to join our Sunday service or fellowship so that they may hear the word of God and be blessed.
2. Congratulations to the Sunday School kids who graduate today (ceremony at IS):

Kelas Toddler:

  1. Katheryn Comstock
  2. Novelia Prasetya

Kelas PreK-K:

  1. Nathanael Thaulad
  2. Grace Kurniawan
  3. Tobias Ng
  4. Ashley Huang
  5. Katherine Tan

Kelas Lower Elementary:

  1. Serena Kusuma
  2. Corine Wong
  3. Evangeline Azali
Kelas Elementary:

  1. Natalie Lin
  2. Nathan Lin
  3. Matthew Hung
  4. Wesley Tan
  5. Chloe Oswan
  6. Kirsten Huang
  7. Kathleen Tjowandi

Kelas Middle School:

  1. Annika Hambali
  2. Kayla Tan
3. Prayer Meeting will hold a Mini Retreat on Aug 18-20 at Green Mountain Retreat, Los Gatos (20 participants). The speaker will be Pdt. Henky Suryantyo. Pray for this retreat so that it will run smoothly.
4. The South Bay Fellowship will be held on Aug 20th at 5:00pm at Agnes Rosida Ang’s residence. Inviting everyone to attend.
5. Please take the refreshment straight after the service and do not eat/drink or chat inside the church. Please throw the trash into the blue dumpster in the parking lot next to the church, not in the trash bin in the toilet. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

1. Programs: Church Anniversary (Sep), Tour to Israel (Oct), Thanksgiving Dinner (Nov), Christmas Event (Dec).
2. Congregation: those who are sick and recovering – Herman Yudi’s mother, Mazmur Wong’s aunt (Ong Bek Bie), who are and will go on vacation, students, professionals, and the elderly.
3. Mission: people who heard the gospel through the mission team to Indonesia, the ministry & safety of missionaries Fina Linan, Dono & Karina Ostby, Rev. William T, Rev. Jim Yost, etc.
4. Countries: Indonesia, USA and the world economy and covid conditions in general.