November 13, 2022 | |
Speaker: | Rev.Timotius Tjing |
Topic: |
“Lives Holy and Loving“ |
Speaker | Rev.Timotius Tjing | |
Worship Leader | Jennifer Chandra | |
Musician | Stephen Trisno, Marlene Koesma, Randy Renandya, Hari Rediawan | |
Usher | Jeh Lin & Angela Sharma | |
Holy Communion | Paul Tjam & Rini Buntaran | |
Slide Operator | Jonathan Lie | |
Sound System | Randy Renandya | |
Indonesian Svc. | Rev.Stephen Hosea | |
Toddler | Evelyn Tan | |
PreK-K grader |
Silvi Tan & Ronald Karunia
1st to 3rd grade Lower Elemen. |
Seniwati Hung & Sephia Laureencia
4th to 6th grade Upper Elemen. | Liliana Brasali | |
7th to 9th grade Teen A | Chris Rustam | |
10th to 12th grade Teen B | Alvin Wijaya | |
Refreshment | Kok Tiong & Fee Ling | |
1. |
Prelude |
2. |
Call to Worship |
3. |
Congregational Singing: “Holy, Holy Holy” |
4. |
**Opening prayer |
5. |
Congregational Singing: “Hosanna” |
6. |
**Intercessory Prayer and closed with The Lord’s Prayer (Sunday School children can go to their classes) |
7. |
Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 1:13-22 |
8. |
Congregational Singing: “More Like Jesus” |
9. |
Sermon: “Lives Holy and Loving“ |
10. |
Holy Communion: “How Deep the Father’s Love for us” |
11. |
Offering Song: “Thank You Jesus for the Blood” |
12. |
Offering Prayer |
13. |
Memory Verse: 1 Peter 1:15 |
14. |
Announcement |
15. |
Doxology |
16. |
Benediction |
17. |
Congregational Response: “Amen, Amen” |
18. |
Postlude |
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends. |
MEMORY VERSE | ||||||||||
“but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct” 1 Peter 1:15
SJ Fellowship Schedule | ||||
Date | Fellowship | Topik | Speaker | Place |
Wed. Nov 16 |
Prayer Meeting |
Short Message |
Ev.Mariany Tjing MC: Paul Tjam Musik: Rini Buntaran |
Church 191 E Gish Road San Jose, CA 95112 |
Fri. Nov 18 |
Young Adult 7:30 pm |
Thanksgiving – Colossians 2:1-11 |
Rev.Stephen Hosea | Church 191 E Gish Road San Jose, CA 95112 |
1. |
Welcome to our Sunday service. If you are first time joining us, welcome! Hope you will join us again next week. Please invite your family and friends to join our Sunday service or fellowship so that they may hear the word of God and be blessed. |
2. |
There are still some seats available for the Thanksgiving dinner. The registration will be closed next Sunday, November 20. Take this opportunity to invite family and friends to attend. You can register at the desk in front of the ES room or online: The dinner is on Friday, November 25 at 5.00 – 9.00 pm. Please bring your ticket for the lucky draw and remember to pray for the event. |
3. |
Christmas and End of Year Events:
1. |
Ministry: Pastors, Deacons, Committees, Sunday school teachers, music, choir, churches (West Coast and New Jersey). |
2. |
Congregation: sick & recovering (Herman Yudi’s mother, Mazmur Wong’s aunt – Ong Bek Bie), looking for work, pregnant (Jennifer Chandra, Natalia Hing, Cindy Hing). Elderly and children. |
World: Covid-19 situation & flu season, Russia-Ukraine war, inflation in many countries. |
4. |
Government: California, Indonesia (in preparation for the G-20 summit in Bali), USA (economic and political stability). |