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January 29, 2023

January 29, 2023
Speaker: Rev. David Theonugraha Chu
Topic: Emmanuel: God with us

Speaker Rev. David Theonugraha Chu
Worship Leader Rini Buntaran & Samuel Tanuwidjaja
Musician Iman Frans
Usher Lucky Effendi & Alvin Wijaya
Slide Operator Effendi Kumala
Sound System Effendi Kumala
Indonesian Svc. Combined
Toddler Stefani Subiantoro  
PreK-K grader
Jennifer Lukanta & Kevin Chandra
1st to 3rd grade

Lower Elemen.

Siska Tan & Lisa Hung
4th to 6th grade

Upper Elemen.

Kiki Rustam  
7th to 9th grade

Teen A

Hari & Erni Satriya  
10th to 12th grade

Teen B

Join ES  
Refreshment Selina & Husni Tan  
1. Prelude
2. Call to Worship
3. Congregational Singing: No. 4 “Come, We that Love the Lord
4. **Opening prayer
5. Congregational Singing: No. 2 “Gloria Patri
6. Scripture Reading: Matthew 28:18-20
7. Congregational Singing: No. 47 “Jesus, Name above All Names
8. The Apostle’s Creed
9. **Intercessory Prayer and ended with the Lord’s Prayer (Sunday School children can go to their classes)
10. Congregational Singing: No. 114 “Immanuel
11. Sermon: “Emmanuel: God with us”
12. Holy Baptism & Acceptance of new member
13. Inauguration of Deacons and Committees
14. Offering Song: “Wherever to go”
15. Offering Prayer
16. Memory Verse: Acts 2:42
17. Announcements
18. Doxology
19. Benediction
20. Congregational Response: “Amen, Amen”
21. Postlude
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends.

“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.”

Acts 2:42

Sunday        : Exodus 29:44 – 32:26 Thursday : Exodus 40:13 – Leviticus 4:9
Monday       : Exodus 32:27 – 35:18 Friday      : Leviticus 4:10 – 7:10
Tuesday      : Exodus 35:19 – 38:1 Saturday  : Leviticus 7:11 – 9:21
Wednesday : Exodus 38:2 – 40:12  

SJ Fellowship Schedule 
Date Fellowship Topik Speaker Place

Feb 1

Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
Short Message Rev. TimotiusTjing

MC: Riawati Woen

Musik: Rini S. Lie


191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112


Feb 3

Young Adult

7:30 pm

Mission Video Church
191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112

EBF Committee: Andy Pansawira

1. Welcome to our Sunday service. If you are first time joining us, welcome! Hope you will join us again next week. Please invite your family and friends to join our Sunday service or fellowship so that they may hear the word of God and be blessed.
2. Congratulations to Michelle Lind Karnadjaja on her holy baptism today and to Geovano Zuliano on becoming a full member of the church. May the Lord Jesus continue to lead their spiritual growth and ministry.
3. Congratulations to the 2023 Deacon and Committee below, that were officiated today:

Chairman: Rev.Stephen Hosea

Vice-chairman: Rev.Timotius Tjing

Assistant Pastor: Ev.Glenn Sebastian

Secretary: Shirly Effendi – as a liaison for:

  • Children Ministry Committees: Nadya Yobeanto, Kiki Rustam, Erika Fataniah, Sansan Melissa
  • Media & Publication Committees: Shelly Sia, Dony Oswan, Rini Buntaran
  • Mission Committees: Lavinia Harjono, Erwin Widiarta

Treasurer 1: Jimmy Lie – as a liaison for:

  • IS Committees: Marcel Prasetya, Rini Lie, Fei Fei Gono, Ling Ling Tay
  • Prayer Meeting Committee: David Wong
  • Facility Committees: Yungkie Hing, Indra Gunawan

Treasurer 2: Jerry Sugiarto – as a liaison for:

  • Food & Beverages Committees: Yuna Tjoe, Linda Tan
  • Library Committee: Christine Chiu
  • EBF Committee: Andy Pansawira
  • SBF Committee: Rini Hing

Spiritual Devotion: Alvin Wijaya – as a liaison for:

  • ES Committees: Hansel Chong, Aldo Kurnia
  • Young Adult Committees: Edwin Angkasa, Stephen Arjanto, Geovano Zuliano, Michelle Lind
  • Documentation Committee: Herman Yudi
4. Next week, Feb 5 is the Opening of Mission Month (with children’s Flag Parade). There will also be a Holy Communion at the Indonesian Service, English service Holy Communion will be on Feb 12. Please prepare your heart to take part in the Holy Communion.
5. The combined East & South Bay area fellowship for the mission month will be held on Feb 11 at the church at 4.00 pm (potluck dinner). Inviting everyone to attend.
6. 2023 church program:

Jan 1: New Year Service Sep 24: Church 38th Anniversary
Jan 29: 2023 Deacon & Committe Inauguration Oct 1-14: Study Tour to Greek, Turkey and Rome (Tentative)
Feb 25-26: Mission Conference Nov 23-25: Thanksgiving Retreat Or Luncheon on 18 Nov
April 7: Good Friday Service Dec 2: EBF & SBF Christmas Celebration
April 9: Easter Service Dec 8: Young Adults Christmas Celebartion (SF & SJ)
May 14: Mother’s Day Dec 16: Christmas Celebration (SF & SJ)
Jun 18: Father’s Day Dec 24: Christmas Service (IS & ES)
July 26-30: Mission trip to Indonesia (Tentative) Dec 31: New Year Eve Service

1. Activities: prayer meeting, Young Adults, East & South bay fellowship, bible study group, music practice, choir.
2. Congregation: sick & recovering (Herman Yudi’s mother, Mazmur’s aunt – Ong Bek Bie, Rev. William T,
Ev. Elizabeth, Yungkie Hing), pregnant (Jennifer Chandra, Natalia Hing, Cindy Hing), looking for work, students, and professionals.
3. Mission: mission month & mission conference, missionaries Fina Linan, Dono & Karina Ostby, Rev. William T, Ev. Erdina Sihombing, STT Pelita Dunia, Kayape Foundation.
4. Countries: Indonesia (economic & political stability), USA (recession and layoffs).