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April 16, 2023

April 16, 2023
Speaker: Ev. Glenn Sebastian
Topic: “Another Helper”

Speaker Ev. Glenn Sebastian
Worship Leader Erwin Widiarta
Musician Kevin Candra & Melvin Aristio
Usher Jennifer Cloudia & Edwin Angkasa
Holy Communion Martin Atmadja & Hendra Iskandar
Slide Operator Alvin Wijaya
Sound System Lorina Harjono
Indonesian Service: Rev. Stephen Hosea
Toddler Michelle Darmawan & Katherine Tedjokusumo
PreK-K grader
Erika Fataniah & Shelly Sia
1st to 3rd grade Lower Elemen. Mariana Oswan & Caleigh Gunawan
4th to 6th grade Upper Elemen. Liliana Brasali & Mariana Oswan
7th to 9th grade Teen A Bernard Huang
Refreshment Lina & Sande Soedjadi
1. Prelude
2. Call to Worship
3. Congregational Singing: Great Are You Lord”   
4. **Opening prayer
5. Congregational Singing: Firm Foundation”  
6. Intercessory Prayer & the Lord’s Prayer (Sunday School children can go to their classes)
7. Scripture Reading: John 14:15 – 18 
8. Congregational Singing: Holy Spirit 
9. Sermon: Another Helper
10. Holy Communion
11. Offering Song: Same God”  
12. Offering Prayer
13. Memory Verse: John 14:16 
14. Joyful Noise Children Choir Presentation
15. Announcements
16. Doxology
17. Benediction
18. Congregational Response: “Amen, Amen”
19. Postlude
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends.

And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever”.

John 14:16  

Sunday        : 1 Kings 6:29 – 8:24 Thursday : 1 Kings 12:29 – 15:15 
Monday       : 1 Kings 8:25 – 10:15 Friday      : 1 Kings 18:9 – 20:26
Tuesday      : 1 Kings 10:16 – 12:28 Saturday  : 1 Kings 20:27 – 22:39
Wednesday : 1 Kings 12:29 – 15:15

SJ Fellowship Schedule 
Date Fellowship Topik Speaker Place

Apr 19

Prayer Meeting

7:00 PM

Short Message Himawan Brasali
MC: Ling Ling Tay

Music: Rini Buntaran


191 E Gish Road

San Jose, CA 95112


Apr 21

Young Adult

7:30 pm

Mission Sharing Mission Committee Church

191 E Gish Road

San Jose, CA 95112

1. Welcome to our Sunday service. If you are first time joining us, welcome! Hope you will join us again next week. Please invite your family and friends to join our Sunday service or fellowship so that they may hear the word of God and be blessed.
2. Mission Trip to Sumba Island in Indonesia will be held on July 26 – 30. For those interested in joining, please register with  Rev. Stephen Hosea or the Mission Committee the latest by May 14. For detailed information such as: costs, maximum participants and activities, you may check the mission bulletin board behind the ES room or next to the library. 
3. IEC Sacramento will be celebrating its 30th anniversary on Saturday, May 6 at 4:00 pm. Everyone is invited to attend this Thanksgiving Service for God’s faithful love for His church. The Trinity Choir will present a song at the event. For those who are planning to attend, please inform Rev. Timotius so they can prepare enough food for everybody. 
4. Please pray for the following church programs (beside the weekly activities):

  • Church picnic (details will be announced soon)
  • May 14: Mother’s Day (combined service between IS & ES)
  • June 18: Father’s Day (combined service between IS & ES)
  • September 24: Our church 38th anniversary (combined service between IS & ES)
  • October 2 – 16: Study tour to Greece and Turkey
5. We will have a study tour to Turkey and Greece specifically for the IEC West Coast congregation on October 2 – 16. Last registration will be on May 7. Further information can be seen at or contact Clara Iskandar. 

1. Gratitude: church program that is running well until today, God’s protection in our family, health, work & ministry). 
2. Congregation: those who are sick and/or recovery (Mrs. Ing Ngo, Mrs. Lin, Gen Hung, Herman Yudi’s mom & Mrs. Ong Bek Bie), pregnant (Jennifer Chandra, Vebryanti Sulistin & June Gunawan), family who longs for children and who are looking for a job. 
3. World: Israel’s internal conflict and attacks from Lebanon, Syria and Gaza; security and stability of the world economy. 
4. Government: California, Indonesia and the U.S.