August 27, 2023 | |
Speaker: | Rev. Andrew Lai |
Topic: | “The Cross from OT to NT” |
Speaker | Rev. Andrew Lai | |
Worship Leader | Erwin Widiarta | |
Musician | Kivia Sugiarto | |
Usher | Sephia Laureencia | Melissa Dyandra |
Holy Communion | ||
Slide Operator | Shana Siddik | |
Sound System | Jonathan Lie & Ernes Ho | |
Indonesian Svc. | Rev. Antonius Setiawan | |
Toddler | Jennifer Idris | Shana Siddik |
PreK-K grader |
Sharlene Sia
Silvi Natalie |
1st to 3rd Grade Lower Elementary |
Sansan Melissa | Caleigh Gunawan |
4th to 6th Grade Upper Elementary |
Nadya Yobeanto | |
7th to 9th Grade Teen A |
Bernard Huang | |
10th – 12th Grade Teen B |
Erniwati Satriya |
Hari Satriya |
Refreshment | Widya & Timothy Siddik |
1. |
Prelude |
2. |
Call To Worship |
3. |
Congregational Singing: “Shout to the Lord” & “King of Kings” |
4. |
**Opening Prayer |
5. |
Congregational Singing: “Battle Belongs” |
6. |
**Intercessory Prayer (Sunday School children can go to their classes) |
7. |
Scripture Reading: Genesis 3:15 |
8. |
Congregational Singing: “At the Cross” |
9. |
Sermon: “The Cross from OT to NT” |
10. |
Offering Song: “This is Our God“ |
11. |
Offering Prayer |
12. |
Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 1:18 |
13. |
Announcements |
14. |
Doxology |
15. |
Benediction |
16. |
Congregational Response: “Amen, Amen” |
17. | Postlude |
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends. |
“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God”. 1 Corinthians 1:18 |
Sunday : Jeremiah 51:18 – Lamentation 1:4 | Thursday : Ezekiel 6:7 – 10:21 |
Monday : Lamentation 1:5 – 3:45 | Friday : Ezekiel 10:22 – 14:8 |
Tuesday : Lamentation 3:46 – Ezekiel 1:20 | Saturday : Ezekiel 14:9 – 16:62 |
Wednesday : Ezekiel 1:21 – 6:6 |
Fellowship Schedule | ||||
Date | Fellowship | Topik | Speaker | Place |
Wed. Aug. 30 |
Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM |
Short Message |
Rev. Stephen Hosea |
Church 191 E Gish Road San Jose, CA 95112 |
Fri. Sept 1 |
Young Adult 7:30 PM |
Anger Management |
Rev. Stephen Hosea | Church 191 E Gish Road San Jose, CA 95112 |
1. |
Welcome to our Sunday service. If you are first time joining us, welcome! Hope you will join us again next week. Please invite your family and friends to join our Sunday service or fellowship so that they may hear the word of God and be blessed. |
2. |
Congratulations to the IEC San Diego for their 14th anniversary. May the Lord Jesus, the Head of the Church bless His church and its future programs so it may grow in quality as well as in quantity. |
3. |
Monday (August 28), the church will use professional staffs to clean and re-wax the 1st floor. The toilet on the 1st and 2nd floor will only be cleaned but not waxed to prevent any slippery which can endanger the congregation. For those of you who have been asked by the Facility Committee to move things from the library, office, kitchen and toilet to the IS and ES room, please kindly do it this afternoon. Thank you for your help. |
4. |
The spiritual growth and maturity of a Christian’s faith is very important. Therefore, we would like to encourage everyone to join the Bible study group so we can have good knowledge of God’s Word and strengthen your faith. Please contact Rev. Timotius Tjing for the adult males, Ev. Mariany Tjing for the female adults and Ev. Glenn Sebastian for young adults. |
5. |
East Bay Fellowship will be held on Saturday, September 9 at 4:30 in the residence of Jeti & Joseph Suyatno. Everyone who lives in the surrounding area are invited to join and bring new friends as well. |
6. |
South Bay Fellowship will be held on Saturday, September 16 at 4:30 pm. If you are willing to open your house to host this fellowship, please contact Rini Hing. |
7. |
The church financial report up to month of July 2023 is ready and posted on the bulletin board. If you have question, please contact our treasurer (Jerry Sugiarto or Jimmy Lie). Thank youfor your financial support. God bless you. |
7. |
Our church remaining programs:
1. |
Activities: prayer meeting, young adult fellowship, East/South Bay fellowship, cell group, and music/choir practice. |
2. |
Congregations: those who are sick and in recovery (Herman Yudi’s mom, Mazmur Wong’s aunt, parents of Stanley Hung & Imelda Praktekto’s dad) and who are on holiday. |
Mission: our missionaries (Fina L., Dana & Karen O., John C., William T., Merry T., Maria S., Yeni T., Erdina S.) and mission target. |
4. |
Countries: Indonesia and U.S. (leaders and the welfare of their people). |