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October 22, 2023

October 22, 2023
Speaker: Ev. Glenn Sebastian
Topic: Humility and Justice

Speaker Ev. Glenn Sebastian
Worship Leader Erwin Widiarta
Musician Kivia Sugiarto Marlene Koesmadjadi
Usher Sephia Laureencia Melissa Dyandra
Holy Communion
Slide Operator Jonathan Lie & Indra Gunawan
Sound System Adrian Hartono
Indonesian Svc. Rev. Stephen Hosea
Toddler Jennifer Idris Shanna Siddik
PreK-K grader
Sharlene Sia
Silvi Natalie
1st to 3rd Grade
Lower Elementary
Sansan Melissa Shirly Effendi
4th to 6th Grade
Upper Elementary
Nadya Yobeanto
7th to 8th Grade
Bernard Huang
9th – 12th Grade
Jeh Lin
Refreshment Rini & Paul Tjam

1. Prelude
2. Call To Worship
3. Congregational Singing: From the Inside Out 
4. **Opening prayer
5. Congregational Singing: Same God 
6. **Intercessory Prayer (Sunday School children may leave to their class)
7. Scripture Reading: Micah 6:8
8. Congregational Singing: The Jesus Way 
9. Sermon: Humility & Justice 
10. Offering Song: “This is our God”
11. Offering Prayer
12. Memory Verse: Romans 5:19
13. Announcements
14. Joyful Noise Children Choir
15. Doxology
16. Benediction
17. Congregational Response: “Amen, Amen”
18. Postlude
** Please speak quietly while waiting outside and enter the room after the prayer ends.

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast“.                                                                                   

Ephesians 2:8 – 9

Sunday       : Luke 2:42 – 4:36 Thursday : Luke 9:54 – 11:34
Monday      : Luke 4:37 – 6:38 Friday      : Luke 11:35 – 13:6
Tuesday      : Luke 6:39 – 8:24 Saturday  : Luke 13:7 – 15:21
Wednesday : Luke 8:25 – 9:53

Fellowship Schedule 
Date Fellowship Topik Speaker Place
Oct. 25
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
Short Message Rev. Timotius Tjing
MC: Mazmur Wong
Music: Rini S. Lie
191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112
Oct. 27
Young Adult
7:30 PM
Message for Young Generations Iman Frans Church
191 E Gish Road
San Jose, CA 95112

1. Welcome to our Sunday service. If you are first time joining us, welcome! Hope you will join us again next week. Please invite your family and friends to join our Sunday service or fellowship so that they may hear the word of God and be blessed. 
2. Thanksgiving luncheon (combined with IEC SF) will be held on Saturday, November 18 from 10:30 am – 1:30 pm at Golden Bay Seafood Harbor (34348 Alvarado Niles Road, Union City, CA 94587) with a theme “Bless the Lord, O My Soul”. There will be sharing, music presentation and short message by Rev. Bob Bixby. The cost is $40 (12 years and older), $14 (4 – 11 years old) and free for children age 3 and under. Registration via online at or in person to Fei Fei Gono, Rini Buntaran or Alvin Wijaya latest by November 5. 
3. If you would like to dedicate your child, to be baptized or willing to become an official member of our church on Christmas Service (December 24), please contact Rev. Timotius, The Catechism class will start on October 29 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm at church. 
4. Please do not discard any leftover food/drink or used plate/spoon/fork into the restroom trash bin on the first or second floor to avoid any ants coming into the area. Please dispose them into the big trash bin in the social hall or the huge blue trash bin in the parking lot next to the church. Thank you for the cooperation. 

1. Activities: prayer meeting, young adults, EBF, SBF, cell group and music/choir practice. 
2. Congregations: those who are sick and in recovery (Herman Yudi’s mom, Mazmur Wong’s aunt & Stanley Hung’s dad), pregnant (Kristi Trisno, Jennifer Lukanta & Stella Alinneshia), looking for a job and those who struggle. 
3. Mission: Missionary Fina L., Dana & Karen O., William T., John C., Merry T., Maria S., Yeni T., & Erdina S. and church/personal ministry. 
4. Government: California, Indonesia, U.S. and Israel.